Chapter 18

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~Marinette's POV~ 

Okay, I hate to admit it but this was harder than I thought. I'm not sure how long we've been trying to get me to wake up but it's taking forever. Some of the more powerful holders decided on helping me as they too had powers out of costume, they were a big help but we were barely making progress. 

"Think about all the positives, if you carry to think about the negatives you'll never return back to earth." 

It was at least ten of them sitting with me in a circle, some of us sat crossed legged while everyone else sat on their knees. I was one of the few who sat with their legs crossed, my eyes closed as I tried to block out all my thoughts and only focus on the good ones. That's quite hard to do when you've been thinking badly for the past several years. 

My breathing was slow and steady as I began to think about all the good things back at home: my brothers and my dad, all the memories, everything they've done for me, just them in general. 

Then it hit me, if I'm currently dead, then they've been informed of my death and Dick and Jason were our tour guides; then they were there when I died! If they know of my death, then how are they feeling right now!? They're all going to be distraught and God knows what they'll do upon finding out Lila did it. 

Without even realising it, I had opened my eyes and tears began to gather, I couldn't bare it if I was the reason of their grief. 

"Marinette, no negative thoughts remember?" the sudden voice broke me out of my thoughts, I nodded my head rapidly before wiping away the tears and closing my eyes again. 

My thought process started again, all the good times with my family, I tried my best to block all the bad and began to change subjects, Chloe. She was the only one who was their for me when I needed someone the most, she helped me and practically carried me through the remaining of High School. 

She showed me the light in my most dark times and helped me whenever I needed her, whether it was in school or saving Paris. She might've not been with me in Gotham but it put me at somewhat ease knowing she wasn't in Gotham and wouldn't go full on killer on Lila. 

I then went onto the Kwami, they were always with me 24/7, they were with me through the good and bad, and they never failed when I needed help. They made me feel safe, they made me happy when I was feeling down and I felt do bad that they were now left without a Guardian. They could go on a wild rampage and unleash all their powers with no one to stop them from utter destruction. 

Without the Kwami, I wouldn't be holding the amount of power I hold now. Without Tikki's guidance I would be a depressed teenage girl who moped around all day. All the times she lightened my mood and encouraged me to carry on and do what I believed in, I could never express my gratitude enough. 

I continued with a slight smile on my lips, all the good times I've had with people, whether I have a good relationship with them or not: all the school picnics, the student body at school for all the times we've spent together even if I don't know all their names, the Parisian public who cared for me when Tom and Sabine passed, including Mrs Chamak and the bus driver who I promised my safe return. 

They all cared so much that It hurt to imagine to what extent they would go to just for me. 

Thinking about everyone, my eyes began to feel weird which lead me to opening them and staring at the group in front of me. I'm not sure exactly what was happening to my eyes because they all stared at me really weirdly. It was a little weird with how they were looking at me with utter confusion, eyes wide and their bodies were rigid. 

"W-what it is?" 

My hands moved to my face but nothing felt wrong with my eyes when I touched them, the same tingling sensation didn't go away. 

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