Chapter 25

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⚠⚠⚠ (!!Warning!! Suicide, abuse, self-harm, swearing and bullying are mentioned throughout this chapter and I advise sensitive readers to be cautious reading ahead.) ⚠⚠⚠

Lots of love Abs xx

Tim and Bruce both stood at the side of her, looking at her eyes intently. They were both slightly frozen but soon shook out of their state of shock and moved closer to the girl but were cut off when the three kwami present flew straight to their guardians side.

The two men took notice of the colour change in her eyes, they'd never seen anything like this happen but thinking back to what they heard about what's been happening in Paris, anything could be possible at this point.

Her eyes weren't normal. No, they suddenly changed into a deep purple while the other was a mix between turquoise and navy blue.

Whatever was happening was painful as heck.

When the Kwami of creation, destruction and teleportation saw the colours her eyes now held, they instantly grew worried. The colours were too familiar but nothing like this has ever happened to any miraculous holder in history, ever. That scared them because they didn't know what to do or what was happening to their guardian.

"Wayzz... no, not him. We need Wayzz and Fluff, they're the two who will know the most about what's happening."

Tikki turned to face her two siblings, her face showed determination but on the inside she was extremely worried for her holder and it increased every second seeing Marinette in more and more pain. The two other kwami were confused for less than a millisecond before agreeing, Kaalki volunteered to get the two kwami since she could literally teleport to them and be there and back in less than five minutes.

Marinette was in pain.

This wasn't the normal pain she felt though. This wasn't the pain she felt when she got hurt while fighting akuma's. This wasn't the pain she felt when she was physically hurt by her class, nor was it the mental pain she felt when her class would go at her.

This pain was tugging at her insides and it felt as if it was messing with her spiritually if that made any sort of sense. Her brain felt like it was being fried and her chest was burning like someone physically set her on fire. She was hurting.

Marinette was in pain.

Marinette wanted nothing but to punch something or even smash a vase at a wall but she found herself not able to move, she was paralysed and no matter how much to tried to move, she was immobilised.

Marinette was in excruciating pain, and today, pain was clearly being the fattest bitch alive.

But then something weird happened that Marinette did not expect to happen, happened.

Instead of seeing the pure white colour the hospital ceiling was painted with, she was seeing flashes of something else. The flashes showed her different things, different people, different places and one thing she saw shook her to the actual fricking core.

There was actually several things she saw that concerned her but there was certain things that scared her the most:



Gabriel Agreste

Natalie Sancour



She heard their voices. She saw them. She saw their faces.

The two people though, that was utterly something else.

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