Chapter 17

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~Marinette's POV~ 

The last thing I heard was her laugh. The laugh that I constantly hear, whether it's at school or even on the streets of Paris, it follows me as if its my shadow and I can't ever get it out of my head. I'm sick and tired of it but I can't do anything to get rid of it. Why does she even hate me so much? She never made the time to get to know me or become friends, she just always had a strong grudge that I never understood. 

The last thing I felt was being placed on a cold surface with several voices that I couldn't place a name on, before everything went black. 

Everything was suddenly a bright white, one of the purest and brightest I've ever seen, I'm surprised I wasn't blinded by it in the moment. Sitting up, everything around me was the same white, the place was vast but I seemed to be the only person there. My body for the first time in years felt normal, no pain no nothing. I won't lie, I haven't felt like this in forever and it felt weird. 

Looking down, my eyes widened at my outfit, I wasn't in my jeans and shirt that I was wearing during the tour but I was wearing my ladybug outfit. Now this was weird. Then it hit me, Where were my earrings?! If I ever lost my earrings, let alone a miraculous, I would go complete mad. My first instinct was to touch my ears and to my relief, my earrings were still their and apparently so was my ring. My hand quickly moved to my face and my glasses too luckily still sat on my nose, a breath I didn't know I was holding was released. 

I stood up and looked around the white space, there was nothing. 

"Great Guardian." 

The sudden voice made me jump, normally I was always aware of my surroundings so for me to be scared that easily is more than new. I turned around and was met with a woman in what looked like warrior attire covered in red and black spots, she looks oddly a lot like me. Her hair was black and her eyes were blue, her face was covered in a mask. Whoever this woman is, she sure is beautiful. 

She sure was tall because I had to tilt my whole head upwards to look at her, or I'm just short. 

"Yes? That's me." 

I was a bit uncertain to talk to her, but her aura made me feel safe. 

"Your not supposed to be here, You've got a lot left to live." My eyebrows furrowed at her sentence, what did she mean by a lot left to live? 

"A lot left to life... What do you mean?" I was actually really curious, no one's ever said that to me and to wake up to this random woman and for her to tell me was more then weird. 

"You are one of the most powerful of all of us, yet you're the youngest." the woman in front of me didn't reply but a voice from behind me. When I turned around, I was met with a woman in orange and white, her outfit oddly replicated how Trixx looked. She too was really tall and was probably the same height as the woman dressed in red and black. 

I was about to answer but another voice interrupted.

"You have so much potential yet here you are." behind the woman dressed in orange was a man dressed in full black, the only colour being his green cat eyes, he looked like Chat Noir in one way or another. 

"I don't understand." Looking at all three of them, another person arrived, she was dressed in a dark blue and looked like a way more nicer version of Mayura. 

"Your in a state of deep sleep but your stuck between two realms, living and dead." This made no absolute sense. I opened my mouth but had no words to say, another spoke but he was dressed in green.

"At this current moment, you are dead child but the Gods seem to not accept you just yet." Woah, I wasn't expecting that as an answer. 

"Wait, so let me get this straight. If I'm dead then who are you guys?" I looked all around and several more people had joined, all of them wearing the same colours from green, red, brown, purple, blue, orange and several more. Their outfits all different but also matching, looking back down to mine I noticed mine also oddly matched. 

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