Chapter 6

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⚠⚠⚠ (!!Warning!! Suicide, abuse, self-harm, swearing and bullying are mentioned throughout this chapter and I advise sensitive readers to be cautious reading ahead.) ⚠⚠⚠

Lots of love Abs xx

Now Marinette never swore, she was quite the opposite actually. When growing up her siblings swore frequently and she had to put them in their places while covering her ears, she was the literal incarnation of innocence. Moving to Paris she didn't changed and she hadn't planned on changing either. So to find herself swearing at least thrice a week was something she adapted to quickly along with the people she surrounded herself with, to be painfully honest, Chloe was a big impact on her journey to swearing.

So to hear their baby sister swear so easily without any hesitation is more than a surprise, she always reprimanded them when they did and made a 'dumb promise' in their opinion. to never swear; yet here she is.

She was let out of the hug and her hair that flew freely while slowly moving backwards, eyes stuck on her class .

"Swearing?! I didn't really think that was your sort of thing?"

Ignoring what Tim said, she continued on swearing. 

"Shit, Shit, Fuck!!!" 

She had moved back quite some distance that she made contact with her suitcase, nudging it slightly to her side. Her once fierce and strong demeaner now replaced by one of fright and wariness, the warmth that once filled the room, drained away. 

Shaking her head vigorously, she seemed to realise the greatness of her actions.


What could she say, she's not the biggest fan of fudge and preferred caramel or toffee. 

Works right?!

Something was said in French but due to her normal Gotham accent you couldn't exactly interpret what was said. A shaking hand gripped onto a black handle before running from the frozen room and to their awaiting coach, all eyes followed the bluenette run away.

The class followed her dangerously slow, they looked like they couldn't harm a fly and their aura wasn't the same as hers, the bluenette from earlier felt like she could kill with looks but these... didn't seem to be the same story, they didn't have anything surrounding them, they looked to be normal and harmless kids. 

The pressing of keyboards echoed almost mutely throughout, people posting of her arrival and sharing the scene with the media. The four men that had made contact with the 'mysterious' girl came back to their senses and stared at each other telling stories with their two eyes, they needed some answers and fortunately for them, they would be stuck together for a full 2 weeks! The coach ride for the class was short yet they sat in an excruciating silence, Marinette had to mentally prepare herself for what's to come, she wouldn't have enough time for physical prep.


They soon came to the hotel and the bluenette was once again alone at the back not catching the eyes of many pedestrians, she walked to the receptionist ready for something, anything from her bullies. 

The brunette sitting at her computer wearing a classic customer service smile welcoming the somewhat familiar girl in front of her.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, class trip for two weeks." the woman typed up the name but got no results "I'm sorry, your name isn't here, you got a Guardian's name?" 

She stood pondering, three names didn't work with the tickets, it seems her father wasn't playing around.

"French class, Marinette... Wayne" 

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