Chapter 4

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⚠⚠⚠ (!!Warning!! Suicide, abuse, self-harm and bullying are mentioned throughout this chapter and I advise sensitive readers to be cautious reading ahead.) ⚠⚠⚠

Lots of love Abs xx

Her fathers voice reasoned through the bakery but was given no reply.

The line stayed quiet for at least 6 minutes but really felt like an eternity before the sound of the bakery bell sounded again, did they leave?

The black screen finally turned to be faced with the fragile and shaking hands of his daughter, the screen was placed across from her face and he couldn't tell much of a difference, keyword being much.

He could see the distance and helplessness in her eyes, he could recognise it anywhere from anyone, he's seen it too many times in his line of work.

"Your still here..."

She let out a light sigh before it went quiet again.

"Marinette, who was that?" he was still concerned and from what he could see, she was still standing on her two feet but he couldn't shake off the feeling that something happened to her. 

"To be honest Papa, I don't know, I really don't."

It didn't seem like the right time to push the matter any further, he knew the consequences of pushing her too far even if he was itching for an answer. 

Marinette would've said something about what she saw but the thing is, she didn't see anything at all. 

The wind must've been really strong and just pushed it open catching her off guard but there was a nagging voice in the back of her head saying it was something much more important and she wouldn't rule it out. 

Goosebumps ran up her back and she instantly knew. Whenever that happened, it was a sort of sixth sense that she got after becoming guardian and finding out she was the true ladybug heroine. 

Bruce watched as Marinette rubbed her eyes in a motion that indicated tiredness and let out a heavy breath,

"Go to sleep, you need to be up early tomorrow to catch the flight." 

She glared at him through her lowered eyelashes. She had told him about how she was assumed to be 'the late girl' despite it being an entertaining charade, they spent weeks teasing her on the matter. 

"I won't be late, just you watch. Night Papa." a small smile made its way to both their lips.

"Night Marinette" 

Marinette was the one to hang up the phone, he placed it down on the table in the dining room, he was currently waiting for his sons to come eat, they were all tour guides helping with the French classes.

One walked in and a large sip was heard, Tim "Why were you on the phone to Marinette?" the man looked up to his son to find dark bags under his eyes, when did he last sleep?

"Just our normal calls" The lie was smooth and at this point was second nature to do so. 

"I missed it... again."

He banged his head on the table groaning, the last two calls they had he was never there and hadn't been seen or heard his sister for the whole week.

"We have another call tomorrow, talk then." small talk was easily picked up while waiting for everyone to gather up. It was a good thing he was talking to a sleep deprived Tim and not a sane and awake one, he would've immediately caught onto his hesitation. 

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