Chapter 27

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Okay, so life was a little confusing at this current moment but things were going smoothly.


That's a lie actually. Nothing was going smoothly and life was nothing but confusing. 

Marinette's been through so much, all she wants is a break but no. Life doesn't want Marinette Martha Wayne to have a break and will keep shoving problems her way. 

It was this exact moment the bluenette decided that life was extremely unfair and she no longer liked life anymore. 

It had been two days since her eyes changed colours in the hospital and that whole eye colour changing debacle has continued ever since. At random times during the day she'll just be doing day to day activities and it just happens. Whenever it happens, it's the same pain, same eye colour (that same certain shade of purple and blue) and with the same people she's seeing but in different scenarios and situations. 

She's always seeing Hawkmoth and always seeing Gabriel. She's always seeing Mayura and always seeing Natalie. She's always seeing Noroo along with Dusuu but something new she saw yesterday shook her beyond her core. 

She'd been getting used to the sudden flashes despite the unruly pain - she could never get used to the type of pain that twisted her organs - when she saw her face. She saw the state her body was in and she wanted to cry, she desperately wanted to cry because all that she's been told has been a lie. 

Emelie Agreste wasn't missing or dead. 

Emelie Agreste was in a comatose state in the basement of her house. The state the older woman's body was kept in looked peaceful but how can Marinette judge?

God, who knew the world renown fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste was so evil and twisted?!!

Marinette was now determined to punch Gabriel's face through the wall but her punching session was being put on halt due to her current predicament.

Not only that, but something else had changed and she couldn't yet tell what it was that was happening or had happened. It was like this gut feeling she had but she couldn't quite put her finger on it just yet and that's what annoyed her.

⁸It was like when she knew something bad was going to happen during a fight with an akuma, she had bad feelings during those fights and her gut feelings were always correct no matter what. 

It's why she's the one to make the battle plans. It's why they always win. 

The feeling was vague but it got stronger at random times, she wasn't quite sure what it was but she was more than sure the feeling wasn't a positive one. It was a feeling she wanted to so desperately shake off and forget but she couldn't, she had to pay attention to it and make sure it had all of her attention because God forbid she dismissed it. 

Marinette sits on a sofa in the manor with a blanket resting on her shoulders as she sits crossed legged with her sketchbook in hand, doodling and adding the final touches to some of her previous designs. Two days ago, she was able to leave the white walls of her hospital room but was no longer allowed to stay in her hotel room where her class could easily find her. 

Kwami knows what the class would do when they found her, no one even wants to think about it knowing how far Lila can and would go with her evil schemes. 

Marinette doodles as she waits for time to pass, besides her sat several kwami: Tikki, Plagg, Wayzz, Sass, Trixx, Mullo, Barkk and Ziggy all sat with her to keep the girl company.

They talked in hushed voices as they intently watched their guardian in her element with a small genuine smile permanently on her lips. Something they hadn't seen her wearing in quite some time and they couldn't be more than happy to see her picking up her old pieces, the pieces of herself she was losing and the pieces they thought she lost forever but here she is proving them wrong. 

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