Chapter 9

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Her limping stopped to stare at her brother

"The ex boyfriend huh?" 

Nodding in confirmation they walk again, well they try, Marinette winces from the pain shooting in her right foot, she hasn't felt anything in it since it was stepped on. 

"Climb on my back." if it was someone who wasn't her brother saying that she would've been sceptical. 

Sitting on her brothers back comfortably, her arms wrapped around his neck, her scarf stuck in her hands grip also wrapped around his neck. 

"How did you find us? What did you do to him? Where did h-" 

Her sequence of speeding questions came to a halt, interrupted by the brother

"Just call it pure luck and I just punched him nothing more, I wish I did more though but you come first. As for where the bitc- Jerk went, he ran off like the coward he is." 

Listening to his voice, she lay her head against his shoulder, her eyes closed embracing the moment.

"I'm not too heavy am I?" her question seemed to be a joke to the man.

"Heavy?! Pixie your as light as a feather, you could sit on my back all day and it wouldn't make a difference!" his answer seemed to be positive, it was the product of her not eating properly. Her goal was to lose weight, she was insecure, she was bullied for it, it was the reason she didn't wear much tight clothes. 

Would he realise that her weight isn't healthy for people her age? Would he see how skinny she actually is? How her arms and legs are as thin as sticks? Would he question her health? Would the rest of her family find out? Couldn't she just live life without any of these doubts circling in her mind? Can she just be confident about her body? 

She's being genuine. She's not like Lila going overboard with makeup. She's done her research, She tried working out but being ladybug was more than working out could offer. She tried diet approved food but they had this weird taste she wasn't very fond of. So her last option was lessening her portions which she managed, then when her mental health started to deteriorate she started to skip meals and ended up not eating for days, consuming only water and occasionally coffee. 

"When we get to the Manor we'll get Alfred to check it for you, you can't convince me otherwise."

 Just as she was about to intrude he countered, it seems she hadn't changed much if he could still predict what she was going to say next. She pouted into his shoulder, he must've felt it because he laughed. The walk was a peaceful one overall, she truly could've fallen asleep if it wasn't for the constant throbbing in her feet, reminding her of what Adrien had done. The distance also didn't seem to be that much because the next thing she knew was that Jason had come to a stop and his left hand went to knock on a door. 

"Master Jason, Miss Marinette." 

She hadn't looked up from his shoulder, the British accent that spoke more than recognisable. She nodded, her head shaking up and down against his shoulder, she couldn't be asked to talk but was sure she'd be bombarded by questions as soon as the rest of the Manors inhabitants saw her state. She wasn't sure where they were now but as mentioned, she couldn't be asked to talk. 

The next thing she knew was that she was sat on what seemed to be a medical bed, she's sat on many in her lifetime so far to know what one feels and looks like, they nearly looked identical. Her multi coloured scarf now resting on her lap acting like a blanket, just as the butler inspected her foot, the pain not subsiding when she suddenly heard a shout.

"Get away Demon Spawn!!" the voice sounded familiar yet she really wasn't in the mood to use her brains. 

"Alfred, tell Damien!- Marinette." his tone flipped like a switch upon the sight of his sister.

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