Chapter 22

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⚠⚠⚠ (!!Warning!! Suicide, abuse, self-harm, swearing and bullying are mentioned throughout this chapter and I advise sensitive readers to be cautious reading ahead.) ⚠⚠⚠

Lots of love Abs xx

News had spread fast about Marinette's unfortunate events, by spreading I mean it spread across her whole family. Upset was an understatement.

They were flipping furious.

To have to see her in such a vulnerable state, it was so unlike her. She looked so fragile and innocent that it hurt to watch her lay unmoving with the heart monitor beeping, but when it stopped, the earth stopped spinning.

Everything happened so fast that they weren't given enough time to process it all, one second she was breathing and the next they were trying to resuscitate her. The hardest part of it all was breaking the news to everyone.

How were you supposed to tell your mentor and guardian that they just lost their only biological daughter? That was probably the most hardest thing Jason and Dick had done and that says something.

The news somehow spread after that and it was very hard to process.

Marinette was known to practically the whole superhero community and first met them at a young age, she grew up around them and they were practically her family. She hadn't seen them in what felt like forever and they didn't even know she was in Gotham or her situation in Paris.

Visits were immediate and condolences were shared.

The Batfam were very family orientated and they were going to get to the bottom of things. Barbara Gordon was one of the many who knew Marinette and visited the family upon hearing the news, she had a few tricks up her sleeves. She wasn't Oracle for nothing.

Being the best detectives in the world, it was time to put that title to use once again and they were going to make sure everything would be brought into the light and no miniscule detail was to be left out.

Seeing the state of the young girl meant something fishy was going on, the scars she had all over her body weren't normal, some even self inflicted. Her mental health was something they couldn't even interpret, and going off of her appearance, her mental health would be shit.

Then, they got news that she woke up, the world stopped spinning again. Their lungs were restricted of air and nothing else mattered, she wasn't gone. It was an absolute miracle and even if it didn't make sense, even if it went against the laws of science. They literally said fuck science! and went straight to the awaiting bluenette.

To see her alive and breathing made everything better but the image of that broken girl was something they could never erase. The scars that practically covered her from head to toe was something they could never un see and it hurt every time they saw that girl flash in their eyes.

She might've not been in the best state but she had all the answers to their questions, she had details they didn't know and they couldn't bare to see her suffer anymore then she already has.

They knew they had to hear it but hearing it come out of her mouth hurt even more, it made them feel sick and to know she kept it a secret for this long. They didn't know how to feel. They were impressed that she managed to keep such secrets for this long but at the same time they felt concern and even a little disappointed that she kept something as dire as this to herself and didn't share it.

They got everything they needed and Lila Rossi was definitely going for a ride, that was assured.

Upon hearing of her miracle revival, her revival news too spread to her superhero family and they were beyond relieved.

Not many had gone to the hospital to see the girl beforehand but upon hearing such good news, they all either went one by one or in small groups to see the young girl for the first time in years.

It was a very tearful reunion but it was one that was very overdue.

They were briefly filled in on what happened and when seeing the state the girl was in, emotions ran wild. It was a good thing they weren't in Paris or Hawkmoth would be having the time of his life.

Marinette shared how her class was and how they behaved towards her, but left out the whole superhero and butterfly terrorist thing, they could know about that another day because that would be a whole lot of baggage to unload in one day.

Marinette told nothing but the truth and she felt better to not lie for once. It's quite ironic how one of her biggest enemies is a liar and she herself lies on a daily basis.

The irony that she hates lies with a passion but does so herself. It was a stress reliever to just let off steam and tell her life story to someone other than the Kwami and her very few friends she still had.

One thing everyone could agree on at the end of the hospital visit was that they desperately wanted to meet this Lila Rossi and Adrien Agreste themselves, face to face. They were looking forward to their meeting and it would be a hella productive one at that.


It had merely been two hours at most when they left Marinette to herself and Cassandra decided to meet her sister. She had been in Hong Kong when everything unfolded and she wanted nothing more than to see this Lila Rossi and Adrien Agreste, but before she could do any damage, it was long overdue for her to meet her adopted sister.

Stephanie decided to accompany the girl as she too hadn't seen the girl as of yet and she loved the girl to pieces. Hearing what the bluenette had to go through, Stephanie wanted nothing more than to wrap the girl up in her biggest hug and shelter her from all the evil people in the world but even she knew that would be impossible when it came to Marinette.

What the two women weren't expecting when they came to the allocated hospital room was for an empty bed, no signs of life, no nothing. There was no trace of Marinette and that was concerning.

Sure, she could defend herself since they had taught her from a young age but she was in no state to do any type of physical activity.

They weren't aware of her superhero activities in Paris, only four men knew of that and that piece of news has yet to be shared. Due to Marinette's request, the information would be kept to themselves till she felt ready to share it to everyone else, she had to mentally prepare herself for everyone's reactions.

They instantly went into action to try find the girl, she couldn't've gone far, whether she moved herself or she was somehow kidnapped. Marinette was in a public hospital and news of the youngest Wayne's arrival had spread across Gotham, she was bait and would be the perfect victim to anyone.

That made them feel uneasy but the Parisian class had yet to find themselves in any sort of attack from a Gotham villain, they couldn't decide whether that was a good or bad thing but they had more important matters to figure out right now.

Where the hell was Marinette?!

1311 words

Alrighty!!!!! Chapter 22 has officially been delivered and your welcome!

I wasn't planning on writing or updating today but boredom got the better of me and this ended up happening.

This is a mix of writing, different perspectives if you could even call it that.

Finally, after 21 chapters, I have introduced the other superheroes even if it is very briefly but I have also introduced Stephanie, Barbra and Cass!

I hope you liked this chapter and let me know your opinions.

Poppadom is outt!!

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