Chapter Thirty-Two

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Madelyn could hardly see through the dark water that was pushing her further and further down. Her arms and legs were flailing, trying to push against the water, but she was clearly no match for nature. Her heart raced and she felt panic as she realized that she was quickly running out of air. She wanted to swim to the surface but the truth was, she had absolutely no idea where the surface even was. All she could see was darkness.

Her sweater- which she thought was a perfect choice for her lazy day in the library- was a dead weight in the water, quickly pulling her down. For a bit, Madelyn was starting to lose hope. Her muscles were quickly tiring and she started feeling a pain in her chest from the lack of air. She could feel a desperate restlessness as her chest tightened.

Just as Madelyn's muscles were about to give up, she saw something that almost made her scream with joy. It was the perfect timing. She saw a light above her and knew that it had to be the surface. Madelyn swam as fast as her muscles could take her towards the light. The salt water burned her eyes to the point where she knew they were probably blood red.

When she finally broke the surface, for a split second, she felt blinded by the sun that was about a thousand times brighter than the darkness underwater. She had a coughing fit from all the water she had unintentionally swallowed. For a moment, she thought her coughs would never die down. When they finally did, the girl was panting, trying to get enough air into her lungs.

Madelyn couldn't believe what was going on. She was somehow in the middle of the ocean. The teenager had so many questions racing through her mind that she couldn't even make sense of all of them.

Finally, when her eyes adjusted to the sunlight, she turned around in a circle, taking in her surroundings. When she saw what was behind her, she felt immediate panic. It was a ship that got closer and closer to her by the second. If she didn't move out of its way, there would be no way she would survive.

It wasn't any ordinary ship. It was huge with beautiful detailing on the edges. Of course, Madelyn had no time to stay and admire it. She had to move away quickly. She used all of her strength to swim out of the ship's way.

The ship barely missed her. Finally, when she was out of its way, she screamed out to get the attention of anyone on the ship.

"Help!" She knew that this was most probably her only chance to get out of the ocean. If she didn't get their attention, she would die out in the ocean.

"Please! Help!" Her throat felt raw with every scream. She'd already swallowed saltwater from the ocean and now she was screaming out louder than she thought was possible. It felt as if she were swallowing sandpaper, yet she didn't stop yelling. Her life depended on it.

The ship was quickly passing her so she put everything she had into one last scream. "Help!" The scream was so much that after it, she could barely even whisper. All that came out of her mouth after that was a hoarse, inanimate sounding voice. In fact, her head was spinning and she started to feel light headed.


Caspian opened the doors to a magnificent room in the ship. Behind him, followed Lucy and Edmund. Lucy, although disturbed, still had a small smile on her face. Edmund however, had lost all the excitement he'd had previously. Both of them had no words after they heard of what happened to Madelyn in Narnia.

All Edmund could think of was where she could be. From the way Caspian described it, it was as if she'd disappeared into thin air. There was a small but horrible voice in the back of his head that asked what if she's dead? Edmund tried his best to ignore that voice and think positively. Although, it wasn't too easy to think positively.

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