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Life for some is easy and simple; day-to-day life is a breeze. They may grow up in a house with loving parents, who have a steady wage. They have their full tuition paid for them. They don't even need to work until they leave college.

They might want to, but they don't need to.

People like us are envious of these people. We don't look down our noses at them. We wish we were these people.

Having to study just that little bit extra, paranoid we won't get the grades for a scholarship, knowing that it is our only chance at going to college. But even then, the paranoia doesn't go away because once we get that scholarship, we have to keep those grades up, because if we don't, our future can be just taken away. With one simple email, meeting or phone call.

We have to keep our behaviour in check. We can't party as hard as others, even though we eventually do. We need to work on our days off. We have to keep our priorities in check.

College life isn't all just lectures, Frat parties, having sex, taking drugs and drinking. It's becoming an adult, starting your life. It's hard, incredibly hard, but it's worth it, because in the end, we will cross that stage, get handed that diploma and graduate.

College is a place where we found the friends who will be in our life forever, who became more our family than our own. It's a place where we became who we really are. It's where we met. It's where we fell in love.

College is where we became one.

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