Chapter 07: risk taking

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So far, he hasn't judged my music taste which is always great. All of my friends do, so he's already winning in my book. It's not awkward him being in my small little car with me, and I really thought it would be since I don't know him. I really did just say yes to a stranger, and now we're alone in my car where he could attack and/or kill me.

"No offense or anything but I'm just driving here, are we actually going anywhere?" I ask, quickly glancing over at him.

"Yeah, you're going the right way." He tells me.

"Hey, man, I need to know where I'm going." I say with a chuckle.

"Fine, we're going to a gym." He says casually and I scowl.

"A gym? You think that me, Francesca- I'm going to a gym?" I ask with a laugh and he nods. "You're mistaken."

"You seem to have a lot of anger or something. When you were working, your shoulders were always stiff and tense, you just look very... frustrated. To ease that, we either have sex or work out, I think you're going to comply more with the latter and I don't condone the first point unless it's totally consensual." He says and I stare at him for a second before focusing on the road.

"I've never been to the gym in my life." I say and he laughs so I look at him again.

"You're serious?" He asks and I nod with wide eyes. "Oh, well you certainly look like you've gone to the gym. Are you sure?"

"Am I sure that I've not been to the gym? Ethan I've never been surer in my life." I say with a dry chuckle and he joins me with his own laughter. "And to the sex thing, I would rather work out than have sex with you and that's saying something."

A total, complete lie. I would obviously rather have sex with him than workout. Of course I would. I think every single person on this earth would rather do him than workout, but I'm not going to say that.

"Ouch that hurts, it really does." He says and I smile over at him as I roll my eyes.

"You do realize I'm wearing jeans, right? I can't work out in this." I say, taking a left when he points to a building.

"I think there's something we can do, don't worry." He says and I sigh, shaking my head.


Stepping through the heavy steal 'private only' door, he switches on the lights and as soon as they come on, I have to blink twice at my surroundings. When he said a gym, I magically thought of a few treadmills and bikes, but no, there's trampolines, boxing rings and things you wouldn't typically imagine to be in a gym. As I said I've never physically been to the gym before but I watch YouTubers go and enjoy the pain so I don't have to, so I kind of know.

The building itself is not very modern but it's massive. It's overwhelming and quite intimidating. It gives me a feeling of power, strangely enough.

"This is where I work." He says answering my question before I can even ask him.

"This is where you work?" I ask, peering around the place.

"Yeah, you're now talking to the junior manager and personal trainer. Hello." He smiles at me.

"It's amazing." I say before looking at him.

"Yeah, it's something alright. So, do you wanna get changed first because I don't think you'll do much moving around in those." He points at my blue jeans, and I scowl.

"I literally just said that in the car, dickhead." I mutter and he chuckles gesturing me to follow him so I do.

I don't know this guy and we're in a gym completely alone together. I should be scared or a little unnerved but I'm not. That's stupid of me, I know, but he doesn't give me any bad vibes. All he's done is make me laugh so far... and blush slightly.

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