Chapter 15: caught up to reality

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It's been just over two weeks since Ethan and I went out in the middle of the night, ate fast food and stayed up all night, getting to know each other on the top of a garage. Two weeks, and it feels like it happened months ago.

Every day I've seen him and spent time with him. I've been working, focusing on college work as well as enjoying his company. One day, last week, we saw a new movie in the cinema's and then we drove to literally nowhere as we listened to music, but I still believe my music taste is better than anyone else's.

I reluctantly followed him to the gym one day after work and now we've been training together twice a week. And I'm proud to say, I can now hit the bag without hesitation or embarrassment. I'm not weird to think it's humiliating... because it is.

Our friendship, it means something to me. Where I have my roommates who are my best friends and I love with my whole heart, Ethan is different. I can't pinpoint the reason as to why he is, I just know that talking to him is different.

My attraction towards him hasn't changed, but I've fought it. My stupid feelings aren't going to ruin something good. I can't let it and I won't.

Today, well now it's Tuesday. I have only two classes today and one of them were early, the other later on, so I napped for an hour before waking everyone up, telling them to get the swimming wear on because we're going out. I know swimming is random, but it's relaxing. We've gone swimming as a group several times, mostly in the winter because the public pool isn't very busy then, but it's now October and I was right. It's not at all busy, in fact there's one other person here.

"I can't believe I can't actually swim." Hanna complains, frowning like a child.

"You're the one who pierced your ear again. If you want to get an infection, you can, but we don't advise it." Matt says with a snort, and she splashes him with water making me squeal. "I'll drown you."

"Do it, see if I care." She smiles at him, and I laugh swimming away from that conversation. "Matt!"

These are my friends, my best friends.

"Frankie, help me!" She squeals and I look back to see her over his shoulder.

"Matt, put the poor girl down, you know you're going to be the one looking after her if she does get infected." I tell him and he groans, putting her down, gently I might add.

"Dickhead." She mutters.

"Why did we come swimming again?" Lauren asks, floating on her back.

"Because why not? I thought it would be fun, not a murdering exercise." I say, glaring at both Matt and Hanna.

"You love us, don't deny it." Matt smiles at me.

"Yeah, well if you kill one of my best friend, I won't." I say, crossing my arms.

"So, how's everyone sex lives because mine is in a dire state?" Lauren asks and I frown at her. She slept with Ty at the party three weeks ago. Is that long?

"I had sex last night." Hanna says, smiling at her.

"This morning." Matt says.

"I haven't slept with anyone since July, so I'm going strong." I say, shrugging and they all stare at me.

"You've got some will power, I give you that. I can't survive." Lauren says, and I laugh shaking my head.

"Wait, you haven't slept with Kane?" Matt asks.

"No, of course I haven't. We're friends, and only friends." I say, going to float on my back but he pushes my foot back down making me frown. I want to float above water. Rude.

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