Chapter 25: when things go wrong

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TW: sexual assault (if this will trigger you, please skip this chapter – my shitty writing is not worth it.)

Ethan's POV:

I don't know how something; someone can be so effortlessly beautiful.

When Francesca came out tonight, I was more than surprised when I noticed the piercings. I knew she had her ears pierced because more often than not I have my mouth near or on them, so I could tell, but I never even knew she had the ones in her nose. A small feature makes her look so different, and it's making my dick strain against my jeans just thinking about how she looks tonight especially in that red dress of hers that's hugging every perfect curve in her body.

Hanna and Lauren have just dragged her away to the dance floor, and I won't lie, I want to be down there, watching their every move, but I know they'll be okay with each other for a while before I do steal her away for a dance of our own. 

"Get out of your head, she's fine." Kieran assures me, pulling me back to the reality.

"Shut up." I bite back, and he rolls his eyes at me, a glint of amusement on his face.

"You're totally whipped." He's pushing every last nerve on my body, and he knows it.

"Do you want to make friends with the floor?" I warn, and he just smiles. Dickhead.

"Finally, you're back." He says, and I look to my left to see Matt and Felix with the drinks.

Final-fucking-ly, I need this.

"You're nephew has anger issues and needs a drink." He says, and I swear to God, I'll punch his lights out.

"You're the most annoying prick I've ever come across." I say, and Felix practically shoves the bourbon glass into my hand.

"Drink." Felix urges, a smile on his face.

"So much toxic masculinity, Jesus, someone needs to paint their nails and put on a facemask now and again." Matt says with a chuckle as he slides into the booth side with Kieran. They're made for each other, they really are.

"Why are you even all tensed up about anyway?" Felix asks, taking a sip of his beer.

"Just some guys earlier." I don't know why it bothered me so much, and if my girl weren't there, I would have knocked them all out without even thinking about it. I care how she perceives me though, and I don't want her to be scared of the guy I can be.

"Who?" Matt's the one to blurt out, and for the first time, I've seen him become protective, and it somewhat shocks me but at the same time it doesn't because I know how much he loves and cares for Francesca.

"Around seven of them, all freshmen assholes, staring at her like she's an object and it fucking infuriates me." I mutter, taking a swig of my drink, finishing it before slamming it on the table.

"Okay, calm it Rocky." Kieran says and I glare at him. That's a new one.

"As much as you'll hate to hear it." Matt starts with a sigh, and I raise my brow at him. "Look, she gets it all the fucking time and she's used to it, not that I think she should be because she shouldn't have to deal with that shit. She knows how to handle herself; I've seen it firsthand. You just need to realize she's a hot piece of ass and men are going to try it with her – boyfriend or not."

"I'm not her boyfriend." I say, and they all laugh. Yeah, I'd laugh at that statement too if it weren't actually true, she's not my girlfriend and as much as I want her to be, we've never had the conversation or a conversation about what we're doing. And how does one even approach it? "You know what, fuck you guys. And them too, they can't just get away with this."

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