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after Jace left 

Matt looked at his letter, he was told that it was given by Jace. He exhaled and opened the door to the house where he was supposed to meet the love of his life. 

"At last, I finally have you back " he said expectantly meeting the gaze of his love. But to his dismay he saw another pair of eyes. A blond girl made it was to him. He backed away, confudion filling up his mind.

"Where is she? Nasaan sya!" he screamed in confusion. 

"Matthew listen" the girl reached for his arm but Matt swatted the girl's hand away. 

"No!  Don't touch me! Sagutin mo ako! Nasaan si Jacey! Why on earth isn't she here! Diba sabinya sa letter na magkikita kami dito! Diba dapat siya ang nakakausap ko ngayon at hindi ikaw!" he male cried.

"Matt listen please. This is hard for me as well, for us! please just listen." Lana pleaded Matt.

Matt fell in his knees. Finally giving up his stubborn nature. He stared blankly at the letter and waited for the woman in front of him to speak.

"Matt, Vel she's- she's gone again"  Matt looked at Lana straight in the eyes begging in his mind na sana prank lang to.

"This is just a prank right? Ginagago lang ako ni Jace, right?" Lana averted her gaze elsewhere. Mathew wanted to believe that everything was just a prank. he didn't want to accept that he lost her... again.

With hope in his eyes he asked Lana, " But you can track her right? I know already that she's different. And I suppose you are also. Can you find her?" 

"Matt we tried but-" She paused.

"But what?" 

"But we can't. She blocked us. We can't sense her Matt. I'm sorry." 

Matt broke down, he shredded every tear in his eye socket. He lost all his hope to find his love. After years of searching for her and finding hew so unexpectedly, He thought that he would be with her again. But she vanished once more. Without an explanation, without a word, without any heads up at all. He wanted to know the reason of why she went gone 

"Why?" he spoke, after the long silence Lana answered "Because of your ring."

Matthew's eyes widened he asked once again "why?" Lana only looked away and said "She thought you found someone else" 

"W-what that ridiculous! Why would she think that way!" 

"Because everyone thought that way too! The rumor of you being engaged to someone else ruined her. She believed it, she had nothing else to hold upon to!. She had no choice but to believe. Nawala sya for God knows how long. She had no connection with you anymore." he watched as the friend of his love complained about every single thing that his love suffered from. It pained him knowing that his love suffered from such rumor. It pained him knowing that all of this is just a misunderstanding. And it pained him most that he could no longer redeem himself. 

He cracked a painful smile. "Miss do you know who I am engaged to? Does the one who caused this rumor know who I, Matthew Phillips Gregor is engaged to?" He looked at the ring and he looked at Lana after. 

The blond girl shook her head, saying no to the man's question. "I was engaged to her." Lana opened her mouth wide and began to stumble up some words, trying to ask how his answer was supposed to make sense. 

"but how? she- she was not- how? just how?"

Matt stood up and walked out of the door, " follow me" 

Lana and Matt walked outside from house to the tree.

"You see this tree, Miss? This is where me and a beautiful girl pledge that we would find our way back to each other again. We promised each other lots of things under this tree. I broke lots of those promises. I forgot who she was. I forgot our promises. I forgot who she really was to me. But luckily for me, she forgot those too.  And naturally you would think that, that was the end right? but no, we found each other again."

Lana was silent. She could not believe anything at all. Matt looked at her and said "Don't blame yourself just because you believed the rumor because it was partly true. My parents almost did marry me off to some rich girl of some sort. But I told them I was already to engaged to someone else, but the girl I am engaged to sadly went away again."

"What are you going to do now?" Lana asked.

Matt responded with a smile and he said "She'll come back to me. She always does. Our fates are tied, Miss. She may try to break free but she's tied to me." Matt chuckled and walked off leaving Lana and her mashed up brain. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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