theres nothing to tell

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Josie was waiting for an answer, but Hope was still in shock by the sudden movement of being pulled into a bathroom. She blinked a couple times before snapping back into reality. "Uh what?" She was perplexed.

"Can we talk?" Josie had her back against one of the stalls now.

"Um, okay... what about?" Hope stepped away from the door.

"About last night, when we-" She stopped herself, Hope feeling disappointed. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry that it almost happened." She visibly gulped

Hope moved closer to the brunette, now being inches apart.. "No, don't be sorry it was just an accident." Hope regretted saying it was an accident, she contributed as much as Josie. Josie felt a lump form in her throat after Hope said the 8 letter word.

"Yeah, an accident." Josie tried to say it as casually as she could. Hope repeated with an inaudible 'yeah'. Hope stares into the brunette's chocolate brown eyes. Hope felt as if she was under a spell, she tried to back up or move, but she couldn't. She felt the need to lean in again, they're inches apart, one big move and it's over. Josie has the biggest urge to close the distance, she is resisting with all her strength. Unconsciously Hope leans in slowly, and Josie does the same, they're now centimeters apart.

"We can't." Hope whispered and finally gained control and backed up, wiping her hands on her pants to stop the sweat from leaving her hands.

Josie bit her lip until she tasted a copper taste. "Why not?" She let go of her lip, her voice just above a whisper. She played with the zipper of her shirt, feeling the urge to just walk out of here and never come back, she just embarrassed herself in front of Hope Mikaelson.

"Landon." she responds holding back a choke.

Josie nods. "Right." She smiled sadly and walked past Hope avoiding her gaze. Opening the door faster than anticipated . Hope tried calling after her but Josie ignored her. She didn't know why she was feeling upset or angry, She couldn't control who Hope liked, why was she mad. She promised herself she would not fall for her, and she tends to keep that promise.

Hope sighed and put her face in her hands in frustration. She walked over to the sink and looked at herself in the mirror and mentally cursed herself for messing this up. She promised herself she'd give Landon a chance, she is a Mikaelson after all, never breaks their promises. She forced out an exhale and splashed her face with water to cool off. Next thing she realized the bell rang, her eyes widened realizing her first period has started.

She groaned and rushed out the bathroom door, but not before drying her face with the hem of her shirt, slightly revealing her toned stomach.

Hope had her arms crossed across her stomach while walking down the halls after the first period had finished. Her mind having millions of thoughts one after the other, when she was stopped by a 5'8 figure.

"Hey, I've been looking for you all morning but I couldn't find you." It was Landon in his sweet tone as usual. The memories of the morning flashed through Hope's head so she quickly pushed them deep behind her head. Hopes still had no reaction. "Are we still on for Saturday?"

Hope swallows thickly and nods. "Yeah." She thinks about something in their moment of awkward silence.

"So can I have your number?" Landon seemed obviously nervous because he was playing with his hands, darting his eyes everywhere other than Hope. "For the date I mean, and so we can text." Hope can tell how hard he was trying not to seem awkward but the tension in the air says otherwise.

"Oh yeah." Hope says much more casually, Landon bops up in excitement, he pulls out his phone and gives it to her. She quickly fills up her cheeks with air and lets it out as she types in the numbers and gives his phone back. "Text me." She gives him a sweet smile before walking off. All she could hear behind her was the jumping and excitement of Landon.

She could actually make this work.

It was lunchtime and Josie hadn't eaten, only poking at her salad while MG and Lizzie were giggling about something in secret, Rafael was talking to this random girl, and Jed and Kaleb were gone and nowhere to be seen. The only person who wasn't occupied was Landon and Josie didn't feel like talking. She noticed Hope across the cafeteria, and made eye contact which she immediately ripped away and looked down. Hope tried scanning every inch of Josie's face to read it, but she couldn't

"Is something bothering you Jo?" Landon whispers carefully trying not to alert the others. Josie snaps out of a trance.

"Yeah I'm fine." She finally decides to stab the lettuce with her fork and take a bite. "Just tired." Landon frowned because he knew when Josie lied, they've been best friends since childhood. He tried to speak but was unfortunately interrupted by the bell, signaling lunch was over. Josie was relieved she didn't have to tell him the truth. She quickly got up, threw away her food and headed straight to her next class. She didn't stop for anyone, her footsteps light and quickly she made it to her second to the last class of the day.

The bell rang to go to the last class of the day, the one Hope was dreading all day. She knew she had to spend some alone time with Josie, not on purpose, it was for their project. She slowly walked to her next class, when she saw a certain brunette walk through the entrance of the classroom. She gulped and took a deep breath then walked in. She made her way to her seat next to the brunette, who was facing the opposite direction of her. Hope immediately felt the awkward and comfortable air around them. The final bell rang and class was finally in session.

"Okay class today you are either planning your project or setting it up." Mr. Williams eyed at Hope and Josie, as soon as they knew what they were doing they told him.. "You have about an hour so get going. Hope, Josie." He signaled them to come up to his desk. Josie was hesitant to get up but forced herself to do it anyways. They stood awkwardly by his desk while he was organizing his papers. Hope shifted on her feet every once in a while.

"The auditorium is free, so you can head down there and set everything up." Mr. Williams said as he gave Josie a hall pass. "Now don't stay there too long." They nodded and Josie left immediately not waiting for Hope, which made her feel a little hurt, okay maybe it hurt more than it should've.

Josie was head by a couple feet, her arms crossing around her chest, looking down, not even bothering waiting for Hope. Hope had to jog to catch up to her. "Hey can we talk?" Hope was now beside her.

"There's nothing to talk about." Josie's voice was cold, she just shrugged her shoulders and didn't say anything else.

They were near the auditorium, when Hope decided to speak again. "Can we talk about what happened this morning?" Hope's throat felt thick, like it was stuck. "Did you actually-"

"Like you said it was an accident." Josie went to open the doors of the auditorium as she cut off Hope. "There's nothing to tell." Josie sounded irritated, like she didn't want to talk about the rejection that happened earlier.

They were walking down the auditorium when they saw a figure standing in the middle of the stage. "Hope, Josie, hey."

A/N Okay I'll update more tomorrow, have a good day/or night :]

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