you are in love, true love

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A/N: ngl i went off track and reread my own chapter lmao


The days pass by much faster than Josie wants them to, and the start of school slowly approaches. Their last gig of the summer may have ended, but band practices go on as regularly scheduled. Lizzie insists that they do, considering they may have a gig every now and then throughout the school year.

It's about six in the morning when Josie hears a string of texts coming from her phone, and not long after Willow by Taylor Swift starts playing; her ringtone. She groans, wondering who could be calling her at this time, especially in the summer where everyone slept in until noon.

She looks at the contact name, and her eyes widen immediately, the tiredness from before suddenly disappearing.

"Hope?" She answers, her voice rougher and scratchier from being just woken up.

"Can you open the door? Sorry I didn't ring the doorbell but I didn't want to wake up Lizzie." The auburnette's voice is soft and whispered.

Before Josie can respond, the call has already ended. She quietly tiptoes down the stairs, slowly opening the front door so that it wouldn't creek. On the other side of the door is none other than Hope, dressed in sweatpants and a plain t-shirt.

"What are you doing here?" The brunette asks in the same, hushed voice. She's confused, but nonetheless goes to hug the latter, her head fitting perfectly right on top of Hope's.

Hope sighs in content, the two staying in that position for a few moments before Josie reluctantly pulls away, waiting patiently for an answer.

"It's a surprise, just pack a duffel bag. We're going somewhere overnight and coming back tomorrow." She says, as if it were that simple.

"Lizzie will wonder where I am when I wake up." Josie looks up the stairs towards the blonde's closed bedroom door, before turning back to the older girl.

"It's okay." Hope reassures. "She already knows."

The brunette rolls her eyes at the words. "Of course she does." She murmurs quietly underneath her breath. "Wait here, I'm gonna pack."

Hope nods, and Josie rushes into her room. She only grabs only the necessities, along with a bathing suit just in case. After mindlessly shoving things in her duffel bag, she goes back down and pretends to act as if she isn't out of breath.

"I'm ready." She says casually as she locks the door. Like always, Hope takes her bag and stuffs it into the trunk, then proceeds to open the passenger's door for Josie.

Josie, once again rolls her eyes, but is too tired to argue as she gets into the car. To wipe the smug smirk off Hope's face, she quickly kisses her, which indeed works in her favor as the latter starts blushing, her cockiness now gone.

Hope stays frozen for a few seconds in the driver's seat.

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