i think we could do it if we tried

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"Hope, where are you taking me?" The brunette prodes.

Hope ignores her question and keeps on driving, a sly smirk plastered on her face.

"Hope?" Josie was now annoyed, she knew it was a surprise but Hope hasn't said a single word.

"We're here." Hope parks the car. Josie looks around, seeing a small park near a pond, and towards the back of the park there was a small hill. It was nearing sunset and the brunette still had no clue what they were doing here.

Hope got out of the car and went around the back towards the trunk, Josie following close behind her. The younger girl watches as Hope pulls out a large basket and a small blanket out of the car.

"Follow me." Hope distinctively says. Josie shakes her head but follows her nonetheless. The auburn-haired girl leads them towards the hill Josie had spotted earlier.

"Hope, what is all this?" Josie was curious to why Hope had surprised her with this.

"Picnic." Hope simply says, a large smile appearing on her lips.

"A picnic?" Josie questions, eyebrows slightly furrowed.

"I thought it'd be great, and also bonus points because it's almost sunset, do you not like it?" The older girl's expression turns into one of small panic.

"No, no of course I like it." Josie quickly reassures. "I was just curious."

They arrive at the top of the hill. "Well, I brought some of your favorites." Hope lays out the blanket and then sets down the basket in the middle. "Come."

Josie sits down next to the older girl, still unsure of her surroundings.

Hope opens the basket and pulls out multi-colored containers, each holding food in them. Josie's eyes widen at the amount of food in her field of vision.

"That's a lot of food, Hope when did you get time to do this?" The brunette exclaims.

"I have my ways." The older girl gives a mischievous smile. "Here, I have chocolate covered strawberries, I know they're your favorite."

Josie gladly grabs one from the light blue container and takes a bite. She closes her eyes in satisfaction, proceeding to finish the rest of the first strawberry.

"Hope this is amazing." The brunette couldn't express how happy she felt at that moment.

"Meh, I guess this was okay." She shrugs, obviously joking.

"Shut up." Josie laughs as she nudges Hope's shoulder. Together they eat the rest of the food, mindlessly talking about their favorite things. Josie had also learned that Hope had been practicing playing the ukulele ever since Josie showed it to her.

They sit in a comfortable silence as the bright yellows and blood red colors melted into the sky. Hope had put the basket behind them and sneaked her way towards Josie's side. The brunette allowed the action to come as even herself scooted closer towards the older girl. Josie sits up, knees up near chest, mesmerized by the flowing colors in the sky.

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