(un)lucky ones

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Hope turns to face the person who interrupted them, ready to give them a piece of her mind. When she actually saw who it was, she froze.

It was Dana.

Hope remembered what happened the last time they had talked to each other. That night at the party. The night she...

"Wow, little miss Mikaelson," The girl chuckles. "Didn't expect you to turn out like this, I thought you knew better." She snarked.

Hope gulped, she felt stuck, she wanted to run, run as far away from here as possible.

"Actually, it all makes perfect sense, you just had to get yourself a pretty girl." Dana simply laughs.

Hope was about to speak up when she heard a small scoff led by a giggle beside her.


The brunette stepped in front of her. She held up a finger trying to calm herself down. Both Hope and Dana were confused. The blonde steeled up and crossed her arms.

"You think this is funny for you?" Dana barked.

"Yeah actually I do," Josie playfully smirked. "You see, this all sounds like you're," She spins her hand around in circles contemplating on what to say.

"Hmm what's the word?" Josie pretends to think for a second. "Oh right, jealous."

Dana sputtered, "I'm most certainly not."

The older girl in the back seemed equally as surprised, knowing Josie wasn't the bold type.

The brunette put her hands to her sides and pressed her lips together. "No, I think you are."

"So let me get this straight, you come here, involve yourself into something that never included you in the first place, then try to say that we're the wrong ones here?" The younger girl scoffed. "I can't tell if that's jealousy or even obsession."

"Well you two aren't going to see the light!" Dana awfully used it as a comeback.

Josie had to put a hand over her mouth to stop herself from bursting into laughter. Hope was still in too much shock to react to anything.

"Yeah okay," The younger girl sarcastically commented. "Now, I'm going to give you a choice." She lowered her voice and walked closer.

"You can either A, walk away and stop embarrassing yourself," She stepped closer, her voice lower and huskier than usual. "Or B, keep talking and humiliate yourself from whatever this is." She narrowed her eyes deeply into the blonde.

Dana gulped, a flash of fear running through her eyes. Without another word she huffed and walked away.

With that, Josie turned back and faced Hope, plastering an innocent smile. The auburnette had her mouth parted open, still having no reaction to what had just happened.

A few seconds passed and Hope wordlessly grabbed onto Josie's wrist, pulling her back into the store and into one of the changing rooms. She allowed Josie in first before following right behind and locking the door.

"Hope I-" Josie started only to be cut off by Hope quickly turning around and practically lunging forward, attaching their lips.

It didn't take long for Josie to catch on because she reciprocated the kiss, further deepening it. Hope broke the kiss only to start trailing hot wet kisses on Josie's jaw, slowly making her way down to her collarbone.

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