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after awhile, seungkwan was now on his bed taking a rest. he was already unpacked and he even got to put his toiletries in a shelf and he even hanged his clothes depending on what color they are arranged. you can say that he got this being meticulous and caring towards his own stuffs from his sisters. they are both so called fashionistas and he can't be left behind. yes, he is gay and you can stereotypically say that he has to be as neat as his sisters but no. it's just... he have to change for the better and that's because of hansol.

not that he doesn't want to look pretty and stuff but because hansol likes pretty people back then, he wanted a change and now he realized that it's just the right thing to do. what he do with his life right now is his own decisions and that doesn't connect with anyone right now. it's not like he still have his eyes on hansol. it was all in the past and they all grew up.

"seungkwan-ah? dinner's ready" it was seokmin's voice and suddenly, his tiredness faded away hearing the utensils and other murmurs from outside.

he then took his jacket and wore it, opening his bedroom door to see the boys on their long ass table that is really made for thirteen people. they were all sitting down while joshua and mingyu are serving the food.

"hey seungkwan, you can sit beside me" it was mingyu, who he reminded of as a really cool and touchy hyung.

seokmin on the other hand was sitting beside joshua and he was really smiley and being cute with him that made seungkwan smile at them. he was happy to see his hyung not shy in front of other people but he can't even make himself comfortable because of hansol.

what if he thinks that i still like him? or worst, he may be thinking that i'm here because of him. i need a plan right? yeah i need to do something.

"seungkwan you have to try this dish that i made. it's good" mingyu said as he took the food on his chopsticks and put it on seungkwan's bowl.

"thank you, hyung" seungkwan smiled at mingyu as he took his spoon to taste the food that mingyu cooked. "what? why is this so good?"

"yeah mingyu can cook several dishes that's why he's been doing it for us for a while now" seungcheol stated and seungkwan just nodded with a smile.

"maybe his personality never changed but right now, the way he smile to other people, how he talk and socialize with them, maybe that changed a bit. his style in clothing changed too. i wonder if he still has that feelings for me. well it doesn't matter anymore. it's all in the past now and maybe he forgotten about it now" vernon was talking to himself, not minding the people around.

"so seungkwan, is being a singer really your dream? seokmin here said that you are really smart and you have been a president in the student council and president in class for years. did you think about entering university?" jeonghan was a one curious cat about seungkwan because seokmin already talked about himself awhile ago when they were together.

"actually singing was already in the blood of our family. i happened to like singing when i was five years old and i was sent to a lot of competitions before. i was really sure that studying was my first option and i really want to enter university but maybe singing was already in my heart and i just took it as a hobby. then we got accepted in the company without even being prepared and i was so happy at that time. i realized that this is the path that i want" seungkwan explained and all of them smiled at his story.

"honestly speaking, i think we're all the same? for me, i wasn't really that deeply connected into music but when i performed on stage when i was like 12? in los angeles? i realized that maybe this is what i want so i flew back here in korea and joined them" even though they are talking about their dreams, hansol was so envious about them because he was here just to run away. he's still not sure if he likes this path that he took.

"as for me, it was really my dream to be a producer and a singer. i've been working with seungcheol for years now and we decided to take the chance and maybe speed up a little? since we need a lots of stuffs to even make our names recognized by people. we need back up so we decided to audition" woozi said and seungkwan was amazed by that.

"so you're the one who's making our music? waaaah that's cool hyung. you're awesome" seungkwan said and all of them laughed at his expression.

"aigoo seungkwan you're so cute" mingyu muttered and seungkwan blushed at his hyung's sudden action.

"ah hyung stop it" seungkwan said and all of them melted into his cuteness.

except for one person.

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