Their Favorite Weapons

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- Bloodhound: Prowler and Triple Take

- Gibraltar: Sentinel and Hemlock

- Lifeline: Alternator and Kraber

- Pathfinder: Havoc and Longbow

- Bangalore: Mastiff and R-301

- Wraith: Re-45 and Wingman

- Caustic: Spitfire and Sentinel

- Mirage: Wingman and Eva-8 Auto

- Octane: R-99 and Wingman

- Wattson: L-Star and Triple Take

- Crypto: Charge Rifle and Flatline

- Revenant: Mastiff and Volt

- Loba: Devotion and Kraber

- Rampart: Any LMG, more specifically the Spitfire or Devotion

- Horizon: Havoc and G7 Scout

- Fuse: 30-30 Repeater and Volt

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