Chapter 62

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It's two in the morning, and I remain wide awake. While I have lay still listening to Daniel, and the babies' soft snores an idea has grown in my mind. Repeatedly, I have tried to discount it, knowing it will open a Pandora's box that I will never be able to close. I've desperately thought of alternative options, but I draw a blank. My plan will not allow itself to quieten down, and somehow I accept that it is the right thing to do.

I'm done with allowing other people to control my story.

I'm done with feeling sorry for myself.

I'm over feeling like a victim.

I refuse to hide any longer.

It's time I was in control.

It's time I used my newfound position next to Daniel to help others. For some unknown reason people want to hear what I say, and for probably the only time in my life, I can use my voice for the greater good. It'll be undeniably difficult and heart wrenching, but I'm convinced I can help from this new platform I find myself standing on.

Not wanting to disturb Daniel who has finally drifted off, still fully clothed, I tiptoe across the room. Glancing back at his silhouette, I can't help feel bad that yet again it's my past that threatens us. Daniel is always the one who is there without question, and not once does he ever complain. No more hiding in the shadows. It's time I set us free.

I stand over our babies as quietly as I can, simply taking comfort in their presence. Studying each of their sleeping features, I understand what I have to do.

Knowing I will be unable to sleep again, I head down to the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea. A plan of action begins to formulate in my mind, but I know I'm going to need the help of everyone around me to make it work. Opening the laptop, I google ways to bring my idea to fruition.

"Can't sleep, huh?" I hear from the doorway causing me to jump out of my skin. Daniel leans against the side of the doorway rubbing his tired and bleary eyes. Despite how focused I am, his presence never fails to calm me.

I briefly glance at the clock to see I've been sat here for well over an hour. "Nope." I shrug.

Daniel must take in my caffeine infused, wide and wild eyes. "Fuck, you look wired!" His gravely voice exclaims in surprise.

"I am... I've been thinking." I tap the seat next to me with a cautious smile. Thankfully, Daniel moves swiftly to sit down next to me. I pour him a tea from the pot that I brewed to save me keep getting up. He sips it gratefully, and I watch as his sleep deprived eyes begin to clear.

"Let's hear it then." He says, his voice more smooth now he's had a drink.

Taking a deep breath, I'm conscious not to hit him full force with my mind's ramblings. "I want to get ahead of this story."

"We talked about this, Lizzie. Even if we bribe this particular journalist or try and sue the newspaper, too many people have been involved..."

I cut him off with a brief wave of my hand. "I know, and I'm at peace with that now." I lie a little, still feeling like my hand has been forced to do this while the twins are so little. "But, what I'm trying to say is that I want to tell the real narrative. It's my story, I should be the one to tell it."

He looks confused, his dark eyebrows curved with a frown before the realisation of what I am saying dawns on him. Daniel's eyes open wide. "Are you sure you want to talk about it openly?"

I nod confidently. "I am. I feel as though it's time. The media would have found out once I gave my evidence in Court anyway. At least if I talk about it now... explain how I finally got away... started a new life... was able to move on... I might just be able to save someone else."

Daniel doesn't give anything away, he just stares at me.

I pause, but then decide to keep going. "You know how you said your money is our money?" I grimace a little, knowing I want him to be onboard with this more than anything in the world. Daniel nods slowly, still waiting for me to explain. "Well, I would like to set up a charity to help other women and their children, if they have them, escape. A charity that can help... so, we can make a real difference."

Daniel still remains silent, but I watch his eyes glaze over. He smiles slightly before leaning across the table to place a soft kiss on my lips.

"You think it's a good idea?" I ask tentatively once he withdraws.

"If you're ready to do it, then I think it's a wonderful idea!" He nods supportively.

"I've been reading statistics on domestic abuse... the deaths, the pain, heartbreak, the long term affects on the kids. It hurts my heart to know I was one of them, and for so long I have hidden that part of me from the world because I have felt ashamed." I swallow the lump in my throat. "Now I'm the other side and I have you with me, I want to help others have the option to leave. I was lucky to have somewhere to go, that despite how I isolated myself, my best friends never gave up on me. Some women, like Willow, aren't that fortunate. They are completely alone... completely trapped. I want us to create a safe space for them to run to if they need it. To go to someone who won't judge them, but will listen and be there to offer support."

"Like a centre for them to stay in?" He asks curiously.

"Yeah, that kind of idea. Somewhere that can offer not only a safe place for them and their children to sleep, but also counselling to process everything... offer help financially to get these women back on their feet independently... help with education or employment. I want us to be able to tailor what we offer to what is needed at the time, for each woman that needs us. I want to help these women build a future, not just run from their past." My voice trembles as I express the thoughts that have been rattling around inside my head. "Does that make sense?"

He nods again. "Then let's do it." Daniel grins widely, but it fades quickly. "You do realise we will have to move quickly if you want to beat the media?"

"I know. If you're onboard, shall we ring Chris as we are going to need her advice and connections."

Daniel glances at the clock. "Let's ring her, get this in motion right now." He picks up his phone, but pauses before he dials her number. "I can't believe we're about to do this! I'm so fucking proud of you right now."


Hey guys

Hope you are all well and safe!

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We're within touching distance of the end of it all now! I can't quite believe it! Thank you all so much for your continued support, it means the world. Love T xxx -

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