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Chapter 2

The slave Market was worse than Amira had ever expected. Held in a huge warehouse there were cells lining every wall where the slaves could be viewed before the biding started. There were a variety of slaves from different backgrounds but most were captured by the traders from the free world, a world Amira dreamt of living in where there were no slaves and girls weren't forced to witness this cruelty and were allowed to do things for themselves.

It was sickening to look at those poor people but Amira knew her mother would not let her get away with coming away without one. As she wondered down the line of cells one cell caught her eye where a girl about the same age as her was sat hugging a younger girl of about 10. The girl had shoulder length brown hair and beneath the bruises and cuts Amira could see a face that could once have been pretty although the eyes had long ago lost their sparkle and she was covered in bruises and dried blood. The young girl also had brown hair which ran all the way down her back. Her eyes were red where the tears kept falling. Amira wished she could help them but even if she could pursuade her mother to purchase two slaves she knew the child would not survive the treatment given to slaves at her house. If only she was 21 and could buy the slaves and set them free. Harishna noticed the interest in the two girls "have you found one you like dear"

"I like the older one" she answered.

At her words the younger girl started crying harder and the older girl started screaming and begging to not be split from her sister. It broke Amiras heart but she could not think how she could help them stay together. At her screams the slave trader came running over and after tearing the two girls apart he slapped the older one across the face and was about to take out a whip. "Stop!" screamed Amira and the trader stopped a look of surprise on his face.

Amira and her mother took their seats in the auction room and watched as various slaves were dragged onto the stage and made to stand there whilst people started biding. Then came the girl who had caught Amiras interest. She looked terrified as she was dragged to the front of the stage and the trader made her strip so the audience could see she wasn't damaged. There was alot of interest in the girl but eventually Amiras mother won.

the poor girl still screaming for her younger sister was handed over to them and Harishna dragged her towards the carriage with Amira following behind feeling disgusted with herself and trying to block out the screams of the two sisters as they were separated. She knew before her mother handed the girl over she would be thouroughly broken in by her mother and eldest sister. All new slaves at the castle went through this process to ensure obedience.

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