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Steve woke up to find Natasha once again in the bathroom. "You okay in there?" He called.

Once the vomiting sound finally stopped, he heard back, "I'm fine." She walked back in to see the father of her child, clothing himself. He had a sincere look on his face, as though bad news was coming.

"Nat, I... Think we should separate - until this feud is over," he said. Natasha shook her head.

"I'm not sitting this out Steve. You're going to need all the help you can get," she said.

"Please... Tony is looking for me, I couldn't live with myself if you got caught in the crossfire. I know you want to do this for me, but please, if you care about me at all you will protect yourself, okay?"

Once again, Natasha shook her head and folded her arms, but she didn't protest. It was as though she had perfectly signalled I don't agree with this, but I understand enough to go along with it.

She, too, went to get dressed. Initially, she put on a tight tank and some combat pants; however, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and realised she had a visible baby bump. A wave of reality came flooding over her - this was a real child, who was growing inside of her, who she was carrying. Suddenly, she understood why Steve had asked to separate. She placed one hand above her bump and one below so as to see it fully. Steve noticed her looking in the mirror and came over. He soon saw what she was looking at, and smiled.

"Oh wow..." He whispered under his breath in some kind of disbelief, standing behind her and placing his hands on top of hers and kissing her cheek.

Suddenly, he cleared his throat and picked up a packed bag. "I'm going to stay with Bucky for a few days, I'll keep my head down - you do the same. Please see if you can stay here with Clint or Wanda, I wouldn't want you to be alone."

Natasha wasn't one for being told what to do, but something about the current situation made her more inclined to agree. "I will. Be safe for me, Steve."

And with that, they kissed goodbye - not knowing if or when they would see each other again. Steve walked out the door, and drove off.

Natasha caught a glimpse of herself in the dirtied mirror once again. You would never spot it had you not known what you were looking for, but searching for it? Her bump was so obvious.

She grabbed her phone and dialled her closest, safest friend and ally. "Hey, Clint. Where are you right now?" She asked directly.

"Hey, hey, slow down... I'm at home, are you okay?" He replied back, wondering what was going on.

"Sorry to ask, but can I stay with you? Just a few days, a couple of weeks at most," Natasha said.

"Uh, hold on, Nat, let me check with Laura first," he said before disappearing, clearly holding the phone to his chest as muffled voices spoke. A few seconds later, Clint returned.

"Yeah, of course, we'll get a room set up for you now, and I'll come to pick you up in 10, alright?" Clint responded.

"Thank you, so much," Natasha said, gratitude etched upon every one of her words.

Clint showed up as promised, driving his red 1970 Dodge Challenger. He rolled down the window, "Hop in."

Natasha did as instructed, cradling her tiny bump as she got in. "Hey, how are you?" She asked.

"I'm alright - you're going to be shocked when you see Nate; he's gotten so big now," Clint said, beaming, "The kids are so excited to see their Auntie Nat again." Natasha smiled at the thought. "Anyway, how are you? How are you feeling?"

Baby America (Steve x Natasha) - Pregnancy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now