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Natasha dashed to the bathroom of the run-down safehouse that Steve and herself had made use of. Hunted by the government after their catastrophic brawl with Tony, the two of them were on the run together and this was the best they could do.

The toilet was grimy, and only flushed, at best, on the second try. The walls were ridden with mould and moss from years of abandonment. At least the vomit that Natasha hurled up couldn't do much more damage than had already been done. Steve, who had been in light slumber just a few minutes prior, heard the sound and rushed in the same pathway his ally had just taken.

Steve opened the rusty door to discover Natasha bent over the edge of the toilet, chucking up her guts. Instinctively, he placed a comforting hand upon her back.

"Shit, Natasha, you okay?" Steve asked. He already knew the answer before she spoke.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it," she said, wiping her face clean and getting up off the grungy floor. She looked over to see Steve's raised eyebrows in concern and disbelief. "Seriously, I've probably just got a bug. I feel fine. We should move."

Steve nodded, but it was clear he was still uncertain. If he didn't worry about Natasha, who would? Certainly not herself, he knew that much.

Natasha had always liked to do things alone, and had a hard time opening up. Yet something about Steve Rogers caused her to let down her guard just a little more than usual.

Steve had always admired her independence, her ways of getting shit done without the need of anyone else. However, he knew this made it harder for her to accept help when she needed it - it wasn't uncommon for her to suffer in silence. "Okay, pack your bag, and we'll head off - if you're sure you're alright," Steve said, looking straight into her eyes, checking for pain or dismissal of struggle.

"Steve, seriously, I'm fine. I actually feel perfectly normal now," Natasha replied, holstering one of her many guns, "How about you? Ready to mo-"

She got halfway through that last word before throwing up all over Steve's sleeping bag. "Fuck, Steve, I'm so sorry. I - I'm..." She stuttered and spluttered in shock and embarrassment. Her cheeks flushed red and she stumbled backwards.

"Hey, hey, calm yourself," Steve talked her back to a steady pace, "Right, you're ill, so we will stay here."

"I'm so sorry Steve, I don't know what happened or where that came from," Natasha fumbled over her words, "No we should go. It's not safe here."

"If you're not well, we won't move," Steve took charge, "I know you, Nat. We stay here." He didn't usually have to argue with anyone in the team, but this Widow never acted in her own best interests. And well, arguing seemed to have consumed his life at the moment.

Natasha took a moment to think, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply. After a few seconds, she spoke. "Okay," she said slowly. "But I swear to God, Steve, if anyone comes..." suddenly she smiled, "It's you're fucking fault alright?" The two of them chuckled, smiling for the first time in a while. For a moment they locked eyes, and they saw something in each other that they hadn't before. Moments like these were precious in these times.

Natasha sat upon the broken mattress that had been lugged onto the floor, thinking. Why might she have thrown up everywhere - and why did she feel fine now? She'd say food poisoning but they hadn't eaten in days - at least, nothing substantial.

She had a thought but quickly wiped it from her mind, disregarding it as impossible.
There was no way... It was just once... They were careful. But were they careful enough?

And if she even went as far as wanting to test her theory, how could she? They were on the run. Though, she supposed, at some point they'd have to get more food... An opportunity.

2 days passed, Natasha continuing to throw up regularly. Both of them were concerned for her own wellbeing. They were starving though, so they had finally decided to move out. It was time to shop.

Steve's plan was to head somewhere busy to make them harder to find amongst the crowds, so they headed to the nearest mall they could find.

Once there they headed straight in to stock up on food. "Grab whatever you can find then go, okay?" Steve said, picking up a basket. They rushed through, splitting up to obtain more stuff. Natasha seized the opportunity.

She saw them, at the cashier's desk, and picked one up immediately. The cashier scanned the items - lots of tins as they'd last longer, as well as dried fruit and biscuits. And then, her final item, bringing the total to $35 exactly.

A pregnancy test.

Baby America (Steve x Natasha) - Pregnancy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now