20 - Epilogue

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"Happy birthday, James," Steve and Natasha said, looking on at their son, who was sat, guiltily licking icing off his small fingers. The boy's parents had to blow his 1 candle out for him - he wasn't quite that capable yet.

The room around them cheered, exploding into bursts of applause, whoops and whistles. Two of Earth's mightiest heroes had gifted them one beautiful child. And in return? They'd received a lifetime of happiness.

Little James had just settled down in his cot, his lids having finally shut after a long day. The red-headed assassin and the super soldier nestled up to each other on the wooden porch of their new home, gazing up at the stars from the comfort of each others' arms.

They did something that had always seemed impossible to them - they had created something beautiful. All it took was a cryogenically frozen war hero, and a highly-trained killer to find a love in each other that they'd been so deprived of in their upbringings.

Together, they were a strange pairing, but a right one. They'd achieved something rare, and precious - something that each of them held on to with their lives.

They understood each other.

Baby America (Steve x Natasha) - Pregnancy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now