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Steve called a meeting, hoping for everyone to regroup. However, Tony, Peter Parker, Dr Stephen Strange and Wong were missing - the media reporting that they had been seen heading into space to directly follow Thanos, though the group had heard nothing from them.

Vision was in a poor state, and Steve, knowing this, decided it was best to take everyone back to Wakanda. Vision could be treated by Shuri there and they could seek refuge from this 'Black Order' - at least until Tony's return. However, he also knew that in taking Natasha to Wakanda, it may soon prove difficult to fly her back. She was five months pregnant, and leaving it much longer would prove flying a risk.

Still, Steve made the call and sure enough, T'Challa arrived with a ship the following day. The group flying out consisted of Wanda, Vision, Steve, Natasha, Sam, Bruce and Rhodey.

The ship pulled in to Wakanda, docking at their hangar. They were welcomed with the upmost respect. Immediately, they took off to see Shuri, Vision on a medical bed.

"What can you do?" Steve asked, turning to Shuri as they arrived in the medical bay.

"We should be able to safely extract the stone, but it's going to take a long while. If you can guarantee those friends of yours don't show up, I can guarantee this operation goes smoothly," she replied, examining Vision. Wanda brushed his cheek lightly, standing by his side. "Oh and Steve, there's someone who'd like to see you," Shuri said, moving to one side of a door behind her. Suddenly, a smiling Bucky appeared, his arm returned in all its glory. Steve began to cry, and they ran to each other, embracing one another. It had been so long since Steve had truly been with him.

"I missed you, Buck," he said softly, fighting back tears. For a moment, everything felt like it might turn out alright.

1 week later

As far as the group were aware, Tony had not made his return yet. Shuri was getting so close to finishing Vision's operation, and Natasha was growing larger by the minute.

Everything was so still and peaceful - it was almost easy to forget Earth was facing it's biggest threat yet.

The sun was high in the sky, all was calm, when suddenly - the first sign. A slight abrasion to the shield surrounding Wakanda was all. If there wasn't a war on, one might just assume it was a bird who had flown a little too close or the outstretched branch of a fallen tree. That was, until, one looked outside.

Thousands of Outriders stood, rampaging at the borders. "Shit," Steve said, "They're here."

Everybody started preparing their weapons, locking and loading - ready for this moment.

"Sam, Rhodey; you're air support. Bucky, Bruce; join the Royal Guards. T'Challa and myself will go to negotiate. Natasha, stay here with Vision and Shuri," Steve commanded, "And stay safe." With that he nodded to everyone, and ran out with T'Challa.

Natasha looked to Shuri and Vision, and asked "How much longer do you need?"

Shuri, without looking away from Vision, replied, "20 minutes."

"The boys have got their work cut out then," Natasha replied, loading her gun.

Natasha could see through the glass as the two armies collided - clearly negotiations were short, and unsuccessful...

Shuri was hyperfocused on Vision, Natasha stuck by the bedside, ready to protect them. Out of nowhere, a large chunk of ceiling fell in - hit by a passing blast.

"Shit!" Natasha called out, checking on Shuri and Vision.

"You okay, Nat?" Shuri asked, for the first time turning away from Vision and placing a hand on her bump.

"Yeah, I'm fine - you?" She replied. Shuri nodded. "Keep at it then," Natasha instructed, causing Shuri to turn back to the operation once more.

Nat stood by the pair of them as more attacks flew past them, several of the glass window panes shattering as weapons ricocheted. "

It was a massacre - on both sides. It took only a glance out there to see the bodies strewn across the field. As more of the ceiling fell in, the girls grabbed an end of the bed each and pushed Vision out to a safer room.

Shuri continued working. "You nearly done?" Nat asked, looking out the window to see a mob looming closer.

"Uh, nearly. I need another five minute, I'm not quite done," Shuri replied, fixated on the operation. "How close are they?"

Natasha called out, "Closer than five minutes away!" Shit, this was bad... "I'll hold them off as long as I can," Nat continued, taking up position by the door with her gun at the ready.

As they began to burst through the doorway, Natasha took them out, one by one. Given the current situation, however, she quickly exhausted. "Shuri, how much longer?" She yelled, slamming the butt of her handgun into an attacker's face.

"Wait one second... And..." She hesitated, operating the machinery with the utmost care.



Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading this chapter - will there be an alternative ending now that Shuri has extracted the stone?!

I just wanted to say thank you to you all; we just hit 2k reads!! All your lovely comments and support keep me motivated to write, none of this would've happened without you! You guys make this, so I wanted to just take a moment to appreciate everyone here, reading this.

All my gratitude and best wishes,


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