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"Okay, Nat, I'm going to ring an ambulance," Steve said, soothing Natasha with one hand while unlocking his phone with the other.

"No!" Natasha snapped back, grabbing his phone and throwing it out the window, "No hospitals."

"Well, I can't deliver our baby, can I?" Steve exclaimed, frustrated but not shocked by the mother of his child's actions.

"No, Steve, you can't because I'm the one who's in labour!" Natasha yelled back, not able to laugh at her own joke through the pain and tension of the moment.

"Fuck..." Steve muttered under his breath. Carefully, he pinched Natasha's phone from under the bed. Unfortunately, she spotted him.

"Give that back," she stared him down, holding out an expectant hand. Steve ignored her.

"Don't get mad, I'm calling Bruce, okay?" He replied, putting the phone to his ear and stepping out the car, "I'll be back in two seconds."

Natasha gripped the dashboard tightly, using it as an outlet for the agony that surged through her every few minutes. She tried to listen in to the call going on outside.

"Okay, thanks, Bruce," Steve said, walking over and opening up the car door again, "See you in 10."

"10 minutes? Judging by the-" Natasha yelped in pain again, "Length between contractions, I haven't got 10 minutes, Steve." Steve met her eyes, exchanging looks of concern. "I need to push."


By the time Bruce Banner had arrived at the scene (some 10 minutes late), Natasha Romanoff was asleep in the car, with Steve holding a very small baby in his enormous arms. The baby seemed to be crying, which was a good sign - especially given Nat was only 30 weeks along.

"Awww," Bruce said as Steve passed over the tiny baby, "It's gorgeous - it has her eyes." At that comment, Steve flinched a little uncomfortably; he wasn't wrong, it just brought back feelings of jealousy that Steve had buried deep and out the way.

The baby, as small as it was, had a few tufts of chestnut hair, matching it's mother again. It was the absolute spitting image of her in the eyes and hair, but with Steve's nose and ears. It was quite the mix of both of them.

"Well, uh, 'it' is a 'he', as it turns out," Steve smiled, looking down at his son, "I wanted to name him Evan but Nat wouldn't have it."

"Has he got a name then?" Bruce said, looking up at Steve.

"Bruce Banner, meet James Clint Rogers," Steve said, beaming proudly like a true dad.

(Sorry changed the name once I realised I could name him after Bucky!!)

"Well, James here is a little fighter - normally when they are this early you'd need specialist equipment, I'd expect him to maybe not be conscious even but it seems he's doing amazingly," Bruce said, "I mean, you need to take him in to the Med Bay at SHIELD if nothing else - they'll keep him under obs for a night or two, but all in all, the fact that he's alive and well is incredible." Bruce handed James back over to Steve. "How's Nat doing?" Bruce asked, peeking in through the windscreen at Natasha passed out in her seat.

"She's okay, just getting some well-deserved rest. I honestly do not understand how she can handle more pain than me, but she can," Steve chuckled - but it was true, it shocked him.

"This kid is going to be indestructible!" Bruce joked.

A few minutes later, Natasha woke up.

"My baby, where's my baby?" She screamed, flailing about in her chair. "Don't take it, please, don't -"

Steve shoved James into Bruce's arms to quickly open the door. He clambered in then took his child from Bruce, taking the arm that wasn't wrapped around James to comfort Natasha.

"Hey, we're here, James' right here," Steve said, handing him over as soon as Nat was calm enough.

Natasha caught her breath as she looked at her beautiful son. "I-I'm sorry," she whispered, "I just, I didn't know where he was, or where I was or what had..."

"Nat it's okay," Steve interrupted her apologetic rambling, "It's okay." He reassured her.

Natasha still couldn't quite believe it - she'd done it. For so long, she believed her only purpose to be taking life from this world, and now?

Now, she had made a new life; one she could hold in her arms and admire its beauty and kiss. And it had tiny feet, and tiny hands, and a cute chubby face that she just wanted to squish it was so gorgeous.

After the horrors of her past, perhaps she could finally move on to this beautiful future.

Baby America (Steve x Natasha) - Pregnancy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now