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"Auntie Nat! Auntie Nat, look!"

A child-like voice beckoned her from the comforts of her bed. Suddenly, a shaking feeling arrived, along with the rough touch of a small pair of hands.

"Auntie Nat, come look at my dinosaurs!"

Nate. Natasha thought. It had to be - the unwavering love of dinosaurs distinctively heard in his earnest voice.

She rubbed her eyes and slowly pushed herself up and out of bed, Nate tugging at the hem of her tank top. She looked into his glistening eyes and at his chubby cheeks, before ruffling his golden blonde hair then carefully standing up, holding her bump and the bed for stability.

"Auntie Nat, look! Stegosaurus!" The small boy yelled as he hurled a small plastic creature across the room.

"Wow!" Natasha said, falsely enthusiastic. She smiled as she sat in a chair and watched her 'nephew'. He was a gorgeous boy - I mean, he was Clint and Laura's son, that was to be expected... But he certainly had something in his charming smile that gave him a lovely, cheeky aura. "Can I see it?" She asked, as the boy recollected his scaly toy.

"Here, Auntie Nat," he said, holding out the plastic in his palm and looking up into her eyes, "Be careful with him."

"Thank you, I will," she said, smiling back at the beaming boy. She inspected the dinosaur - bringing it up close to her eye like a detective, examining clues at a crime scene. "You really know your stuff, don't you bud?" Natasha said, handing back the miniature model.  Nate nodded proudly, before toddling off downstairs, where Nat could now here his parents were up.

She fine-tuned her ears, listening in to the conversation downstairs from the chair in their bedroom.

"We should tell them today, babe." Distinctively Clint's voice, coming from the kitchen. "They might not be down here for a long while yet - especially with Nat being so close to giving birth."

Suddenly, she could hear Laura's gentle voice chime in. "I suppose you're right. They ought to know about their new nephew - I just... I thought we'd tell my parents first, you know? It's still so early on as well, Clint. I mean, there's still a chance I could-"

"I know," Clint said, cutting her off. Nat tiptoed down the stairs as best as she could - which wasn't all that great, considering - but Clint and Laura didn't notice her come down.

"I just don't know if I'm ready to tell Nat I'm pregnant again," Laura said, before looking over to the bottom of the stairwell and letting out a small laugh. "Well, I guess there goes that one!"

Natasha ran over and pulled Laura into a massive hug, squeezing her tightly. "Congratulations," she said honestly, "That's amazing - I'm so pleased for you guys." The pair broke their hug, only for Nat to swing a friendly arm round Clint's shoulders and squish him in tightly.

"How far along are you?" Natasha asked, having to take a seat again, already tired of standing.

"Only 6 weeks," Laura replied, "You are literally the first person we've told," she said, handing Nat a cup of tea.

"Well, I'm honoured," Nat said, receiving the mug and taking a sip. "I can't believe I'm going to become an Auntie again."

Natasha relished in the words - it brought her so much joy when things went right for the Bartons; God knows they deserve it.

Suddenly, everyone's heads turned as the stairs started to creak - Steve had gotten up.

"Hey, Steve," Clint said, casually saluting him a good morning, "Hope you slept alright?"

Steve smiled. How did he always look so happy in the mornings?! "Yeah, it was perfect! Thanks for putting us up for the night," he said, walking over to the kitchen and making himself a coffee. Laura, Clint and Nat all looked awkwardly between each other, debating whether or not to pick up where they left off and tell him.

"Hey, can I get anyone else a drink?" Steve said, looking around the room. Laura was the only one without a drink. "Laura, can I get you anything?"

Laura grinned - she was going to tell him. "Uh, I probably shouldn't have coffee," she began, "Since, uh... Since I'm pregnant."

Steve froze, then turned with a look of confusion, followed by a little wry smile as he remembered Nat's predictions from the previous night. "Oh, wow! Congratulations, you two!" Steve said, raising his coffee mug as a toast.

Contentment filled the air, and everyone seemed at peace. It felt good.


After a few rounds of hide and seek with Cooper and Lila, Steve and Nat headed home.

After a couple hours on the road, Natasha felt a pounding pain, once again in her side. It felt like how contractions had been described to her by a midwifery nurse Fury had forced her to see a few months ago. But that couldn't be it - it was too early.

Steve didn't notice at first, but he pulled the car over at Natasha's third wince. "Nat, are you okay?" Steve asked, placing a hand on her shoulder, "What's going on?"

"Nothing, I'm f-" Nat's sentence was cut off by a wail of pain. She bit her lip, then cursed.

"Oh my, Nat, what's going on?" Steve asked again, "And don't lie to me."

"It feels like- fuck- it feels like the baby's coming," Natasha squeezed out her words in between what seemed to be contractions.

"Shit. Are you having contractions?" Steve asked, unbuckling his and Natasha's belts,  and rubbing her back soothingly.

Natasha yelled in agony once more, "FUCK, I don't know, Steve. It's too early! I'm..." She screeched again, crushing Steve's hand through this one, "Only 30 weeks along."

"It could be Braxton Hicks," Steve sensibly suggested.

"No, I had those a couple weeks ago," Natasha said nonchalantly, before screaming once more.

"Wait what?!" Steve exclaimed, "And you didn't tell me?!"

"I was fine- SHIT!" Natasha yelled, fully utilising her lungs, "Don't look at me like that, Steven. It was hardly worse than any time I've been shot."

"Jesus, Nat!" Steve staggered. He forgot how pain-tolerant she could be sometimes.

"Steve, this baby's coming, whether we like it or not so can you please stop sitting there with your jaw gaping and do something- FUCK THAT HURTS- useful?!"


Ahhh! After all this time, is the romanogers baby finally going to make an appearance?! Some of you guys will probably have remembered the name from an early dream sequence, but honestly it was kind of just funny naming them - the names are stupid when you think about where they actually come from lol but I guess they work so nvm. Hope you're enjoying it, and thanks for all the support! You guys really are awesome!


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