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3 weeks later

The past three weeks had essentially just been a continuation of the first day Natasha had spent with the Bartons. She had grown closer to Clint's family, and Laura had finally warmed to her too.

After another morning similar to that of the first, the moment Natasha had been waiting for happened. An unknown caller.

She was out on the deck when the call came. She picked up, waiting to hear someone speak. "Hey, Natasha, is this you? It's Steve," she heard through held back tears down the phone. She tried not to cry too.

"Oh my, Steve, are you okay? How are you?" She asked in a panic. Hearing from him was bittersweet - a painful reminder he wasn't here, but it was so good to hear his voice.

"I'm okay. Bucky and I have been... Nevermind, the less you know the better," Steve said. His voice sounded hushed and hurried. "I'm sorry, I can't say much more. How are you?"

"We're all good here. I'm staying with Clint," she said, "So I'm alright."

He started to reply, "I'm so sorry, I'm going to have to -" then suddenly... An explosive sound echoed down the phone. Natasha couldn't hear anything distinctive except the line going dead.

Her breathing became panicked. What had she just heard. What had happened to Steve? What could she do about it?

She ran to Clint, finding him in the living room alone and wrapped her arms around him. "Clint, something's happened to Steve. I think Tony's found him. We - we" she stuttered in fear, shock and panic, "He finally called, then... Everything exploded." Clint was silent, but just held her as her breathing gradually slowed. "I need to go, I need to help him," Natasha said weakly.

"Nat, you know I will always support you. But are you sure that would be a good idea? What would Steve want you to do?" Clint questioned.

"Well look where Steve's wants got him," Natasha snapped. "Sorry, I... I'm just..." She trailed off.

"Hey, it's okay. I don't want to tell you what to do, Nat - I know you're more than capable of handling yourself. But you're pregnant, it's not just you that you have to think about now," Clint explained, placing a hand on her now almost un-hideable bump.

Natasha sighed. She wanted so badly to help but this baby was rendering her useless. "Nat, you know Steve. He's a big boy, he can handle himself," Clint said.

Natasha reached out for Clint's hand and held it tight. "Thank you," she whispered.

That evening

It was 9pm, and Natasha was about to go to bed. But Steve wouldn't leave her brain. She had to do something. She had to.

She grabbed a jacket and snuck downstairs, then grabbed Clint's motorcycle keys. She quietly opened and closed the back door, then went out to the shed and found his bike.

Natasha started up the engine, and began driving into the night. As quickly as possible she made her way to where the location of the phone call had been. Once she got there, she saw how bad it had been. An entire wall had come down between the kitchen and bedroom, and the windows were smashed in. But clearly they had moved on.

As she was looking around for clues as to where they might've gone, she heard footsteps behind her. She raised her guard, the hairs on the back of her neck prickled up. She grasped her gun in its holster, then slowly she turned and...

It was Clint.

"Fuck, it's you," she said, breathing a sigh of relief.

"If you don't want to be followed, don't take my bike," he half-joked.

"Sorry, shit... I... I couldn't sit there doing nothing, Clint," Natasha explained.

"And I couldn't let you go alone," Clint replied, then looked at his phone. "I got a friend to track Tony, and he's just found him. Let's go."

And with that, they took off. When they got there, it was clear they were near. Everything was broken - quite literally everything. Suddenly, Natasha saw Bucky's arm laying on the ground, clearly disembodied in a fight.

"We need to find them, and quickly," she said, holding her gun a little tighter now.

They walked just a little further when they saw the three of them - Tony, Cap and Bucky. Bucky was lying in the corner, beaten and bloodied. Neither Steve nor Tony looked much better either. Tony was just about to blast Steve, and Steve had his shield poised to ram into Tony's arc reactor.

Natasha couldn't face it, she ran in. Clint shouted after her, but nothing could've stopped her.

Yet she was too late to watch Steve plummet his shield into Tony's chest. She watched as he weakly raised his hand toward Steve, aiming.

"Tony, don't do this," she yelled, pulling her gun on him.

"Natasha?" He exclaimed, confused. Steve's face matched a similar feeling.

"Stop this. All of this. And grow up," Natasha said, "Is this how we solve our problems now? By destroying buildings and beating each other half to death? This is fucking ridiculous."

"Natasha this isn't your fight, stay out of it," Steve said.

"Steve, this is my fight and you know why, so don't give me that crap," Natasha replied.

"You know my father gave you that shield. You don't deserve it," Tony said, clearly exhausted and beaten, but not given up with the fight. He didn't lower his hand.

"Tony, do not touch Steve or I will break you," Natasha threatened.

"Get out of here," Tony growled. Steve dropped his shield before he, Natasha and Bucky all left together, while Clint escaped out a different way.

1 month later

"Oh, congratulations! Should you need anything, our people will be here for you," T'Challa replied, having just heard Natasha's news. The her, Steve and Bucky had been offered asylum in Wakanda after the Sokovia Accords. Bucky had elected to be placed in cryogenic sleep until his brainwashing could be cured to avoid further manipulation.

Steve and Natasha were being moved to a ward so that for the first time throughout this pregnancy, she could be properly checked over by a doctor.

"It's not very often we have women come in for their first ultrasound at 4 months, you know," the doctor said to them. She then took the ultrasound and showed them the monitor. "I am delighted to inform you that your baby looks happy and healthy," she smiled. The pair of them sighed with relief.

It had now become obvious that Natasha was pregnant - there was no more hiding it. She couldn't really picture herself fighting at this moment in time, she wasn't in the state for it.

Suddenly, Steve got a call.

"Cap, it's Tony. Get to New York as quick as you can. Something's come up," and with that the call ended.

Baby America (Steve x Natasha) - Pregnancy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now