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"Nat, he's been shot. The doctor's at SHIELD have him."

Tony's words echoed in Natasha's mind over and over, getting quieter but never silent. The shock waved through her body, crushing every part of her. She staggered back, holding herself against the wall for stability. She was speechless as blood boiled in her throat.

She said nothing, but pushed the drunken carcass that was Tony out her way as she rushed to get to a car. It was her motorbike that she came across first, and she jumped on it, starting it as fast as she could. She pulled out onto the road and headed to SHIELD.


Natasha ran in to the medical bay entrance, heading straight to the front desk. Though out of breath, she went to talk to the receptionist. However, before she could get a word in, she felt an arm grab her from behind.

"Agent Romanoff, follow me."


Natasha swivelled round quickly to face him. He looked calmer than she would've expected.

"How is he?" Nat said as they started walking. Passing through the corridors, she became more and more panicked.

"He's... Alive," Fury said, "But in a critical state." Natasha sighed, relieved. Suddenly, Fury stopped outside a door. He gestured to the handle.

Natasha ran in to see Steve, lying in a hospital bed in a gown, bleeding out from his side. She ran to the bedside and kissed his cheek, then sat down and held his hand.

"Oh my, Steve, you're alive," she said to herself more than anyone else.

"Natasha, Agent Rogers has taken a shot to the abdomen. He's lost a lot of blood, but the doctor's have said he should pull through - particularly as he seems to have taken far less damage than what we would expect to see from... Well, the average human being," Fury said, taking a seat on Steve's other side, "Most people would have an exit wound from a weapon of such caliber. The bullet only entered a few millimetres." Fury almost smiled - it meant the serum worked. Natasha simply nodded in response. Fury watched as she breathed rapidly, cradling her bump. "Romanoff, if you would like to see a medical professional, that can easily be arranged," he said.

"No, I want to make sure I'm here when he wakes up," Natasha replied, trying to calm herself a little now.


It was 5am when Steve finally opened his eyes. Natasha had just drifted off for the seventh time, though only in very light slumber. Fury had left.

The first thing she felt to wake up to was the gentle pressing on her hand. A soft but sure squeezing forced her eyes open.

"Steve?" Natasha yawned blearily, "Are you awake?"

A weak reply came. "I'm here, Nat."

A flood of relief swarmed into Natasha's veins, filling her lungs with hope. She knew then that this must be what love felt like.

"Steve, I'm here, okay? I'm here," she said, squeezing his hand tightly. She got out her seat to come over and kiss him as he carefully sat up. The thought of not having his lips to kiss, his hand to hold, him to love - well, the thought of losing him was just too much. "I love you."

Steve slowly propped himself up using his pillows. "I love you too, Nat."

She moved to sit upon the edge of the bed, and leaned her head in against his and planting a thankful kiss on his lips.

"Don't do that again," she half-joked, causing the pair to chuckle; though it was short-lived, with Steve wincing at his side. Seeing him in pain caused Natasha to cry. Steve moved his lips to kiss his love once more.

It felt as though a weight had been lifted - he was okay.


"So, he's going to need to take it easy - though this is the quickest recovery we've ever seen," Steve's doctor explained.

Just three days after being shot, Steve was ready to come home.

"I would recommend he stays on bed-rest for 24 hours though, and keep any movement to a bare minimum," the doctor continued, "We'll send through a physio appointment in a couple of days."

"Thanks, doc," Steve smiled, holding Natasha's hand. He hoped things wouldn't have to change all that much, but Steve was beginning to see that this baby wasn't just going to affect Natasha's work, but his too; though he didn't consider that a bad thing, either.

"And may I wish you the swiftest of recoveries," the doctor said, before opening the door to have him wheeled out in a chair.

The pair arrived back at the tower at 10. Together, they got in the elevator, Natasha anticipating what would happen when they arrived on their floor. The bell pinged, the doors slid open.


Everyone was here - banners were strung up, party poppers went off, music played. Out of the huddle of smiling faces, Tony stepped forward.

"Welcome home, Cap."

Baby America (Steve x Natasha) - Pregnancy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now