Part 27-Fake sick

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I groaned flopping onto my bed in nothing but a towel, i had just gotten out fo the shower and realized i had nothing to wear. I made my way to Subin's room as quitely as possible since once again all of the boys were over here. After what felt like forever i finally found something to wear and i made my way back to my room.

I stripped of the towel and put on the clothes before straighting my hair and doing my makeup.

"DAE-HYUN SOME DUDE IS FOR YOU" Subin called and i groaned, i told him to text me when he was here cause I didn't want anyone to think anything

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"DAE-HYUN SOME DUDE IS FOR YOU" Subin called and i groaned, i told him to text me when he was here cause I didn't want anyone to think anything. I slipped on my shoes before waddling out of the room, "You think you can just steal my clothes without permission" Subin pouted and i nodded sarcastically.

"You look great" Taemin said walking over to me with and akward smile and pulled me into a quick hug which i glady accepted.

"Thanks Minnie" I smiled up at him

"So who's this" Yoongi said plastering a fake smile

"This is Taemin.. my dance partner and he is also my friend... Okay bye" I said shoving Taemin out the door. "Didn't i tell you to wait in the car" I pouted.

"Sorry i didn't know that there was going to be that many guys in your house" He hissed and i stopped spinning him to look at me

"Whats wrong" I asked and he sighed

"Nothing i just have a headache" he gave me a reasurring smile but i saw right through like freshly cleaaned glass. I nodded and we got into this car before driving off.

"I didn't know you were friends with BTS" He said, finally stating a conversation

"Ah.. yea Yoongi and i were actaully child hood bestfriends" I said and he nodded.

We got to the restruant and we ordered having a normal conversation, we ate and i excused myself to the bathroom. I forced myself to through up the food but when i opened the bathroom door to leave Taemin was standing there.

"I was going to the bathroom and i heard you throwing up are you okay" He said, placing a hand against my forehead to check my tempature.

"Yea i think food just made me sick" I lied and he nodded dragging me out to the car after paying. He drove me home and of course he came in with me because i was 'sick;

We walked through the door seeing everyone still here, i guess Taemin didn't want to put up with them right now because he grabbed my hand and gragged me into my own room. He mad me set on my bed as he got out some shorts and a t-shirt, he handed me the clothes and then walked out of my room saying "Call me when your done"

After i put the clothes on i told him i was finished and he came back in with some makeup remover wipes. He handed me the wipes and i took off my make and he smiled at me before getting up and walking out, i was quite confused until he came in my room with some medicine and i glass of water. I sighed as i took the medcine i didn't need.

He forced me to lay down and he covered me up "Im going to go.. get better soon ill see you tomorrow" he said before walking out. Soon enough Jimin came in and sat on my bed.

"So... he took you to dinner and you made yourself through it up but he heard you so you faked being sick?" He aksed and i only nodded "I know i have no place to tell you this but... please stop throwing up.. your so skinny and i don't see how Yoongi hasn't noticed... Noona if you keep going like this your going to collapse when you try and be active.. like at MAMA's" He said and i sighed again.

"Noona.. we are going to be there to.. and if you fall.. ill be there to help you.. but ill wont forgive you for not treating yourself right" He said getting up.

"Jimin.. You;ve lost weight to.." I said and he scoffed

"Noona they think im just on a diet.. we have known eachother again for like 6 months and we have only eat twice.." He said and thats when i realized he was right.. i dont eat..  dont remeber the last time i ate without throwing it up.. but i cant stop now im finally making progress

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