Prolog for part 1! PLEASE READ FIRST!!

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"Ugh, today's gonna be SOO boring!" Y/N whined to herself. "I wish the girls were here..."

*the day before*

"Hey Y/N, Me, Levy, Lucy and Wendy are all going on a mission together, we kinda want it to be just us girls so no boys allowed! Wanna tag along?" Erza asked

"Sorry Erza, I'm really not feeling all that great lately. Wish I could though"
just your luck you were waiting to be asked to team up on a mission but about this time of year is usually flu season for poor Y/N. You never knew when you would be sick or when you wouldn't be.

Erza frowned, "well alright, I hope you feel better" she smiled, gave you a hug and made her way to the girls that waited for her by the guild doors.

You sadly watch from the window as the girls walked down the streets of magnolia towards the train station

"Stupid cold" you said bitterly.

*present day*

After a good nights rest you were back to your normal self. You were stoked til you reminded yourself that all your friends were out TOGETHER on a mission without you.

"Great..." You signed "well I might as well go check out what the boys are doing instead of sitting here and drowning myself in sorrows"
You sprang off your bed got dressed in a (F/C) tank top, some jean short-shorts that frankly hugged your bottom perfectly, and some simple (F/C) shoes to match your top. You brushed your hair and teeth, then put a little bit of eye make-up to bring out your (e/c) eyes.

You made your way from your apartment to the Fairytail guild hall, which was only maybe a 20 minute walk. In fact, usually you a Lucy walked home together because you lived right around the corner from her.
Anyway you walked up to the guild doors when you noticed a note taped to the door

'Dear Guildmates, the guildhall is closed today for some repairs. So take today to relax at home from training. Or if you really want to train go down to Magnolia beach, most townsfolk are away today so it shouldn't be too crowded and there's nothing you brats can break down there!!
Have a great day, see you all tomorrow!
-Master Makarov'

Y/N kinda just stood there staring at the note trying to decide weather or not she wanted to cry or break the damn door down. You have been stuck in your house all day yesterday and today you felt great so you were not going to waste it by sitting home again. So you decided to head to the beach and see who was all there.

*at the beach*

You decided it would be best to change into your cute (f/c) Bikini, before actually getting down to the water because heaven knows how annoying jean material is when wet and sticking to your skin.
You walked down the small path from the changing rooms to the beach and you were in awe. Makarov wasn't kidding when he said it shouldn't be busy. There was no one here! Or so you thought...


You turned to see Natsu jumping up and down, and flapping his arm to try to get your attention. You smiled and made your way towards him. When you got closer you found Natsu was not alone. Gajeel and Laxus were with him. But the out popped Sting and Rogue of Sabertooth.

'What the heck? Why are they here? They're not suppose to be here' You thought to yourself

Suddenly you felt a muscular arm wrap around your waist and it pulled you into what obviously was a man's chest.

"Their not the only ones that aren't suppose to be here"

You jumped, pushing away the intruder to find yourself face to face with cobra.

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