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Soomin laid there in bed, backpack and numerous papers scattered all over the floor and a deep sigh escape her lips. Through the thick walls of the house, she heard the high pitched laughter and squeals of numerous high school girls plus her own stepsister.

Soomin was getting absolutely annoyed by all the commotion and banged her hand against the wall, attempting to gain their attention.

"Shut the fuck up! Y'all are too damn loud!" Soomin exclaimed and everything went silent for a second and she shut her eyes, happy to have peace again.

That peace lasted for about 3 seconds until more giggles and squeals were heard and Soomin groaned, gathering up enough strength to get up and walk out of her bedroom door all the way to Misun's.

She pounded on Misun's door and all the noise stopped, followed by whispers and a bit of shuffling. Finally, the door was opened and revealed Misun standing there while her group of friends huddled behind her in an attempt to hear their conversation.

"Soomin? How can I help you?" Misun asked and out on the fakest smile to the shorter girl who stood in front of her.

"Keep it down. I'm tired of hearing all your little giggles and squeals. It's annoying and you sound like pigs." Soomin said as she bored her eyes into Misun's, attempting to intimidate her into submission.

Misun smirked and raised her brow before putting on a fake crying face. "Mom! Soomin is threatening us!" She sobbed out through her fake tears and not even 5 seconds later, Soomin was faced with her stepmother.

"Soomin." The stepmother glared at the younger who held her same bored face.

"What do you want?" Soomin asked the lady who scoffed.

"Leave my Misun alone before I tell your father." The woman said and Soomin shrugged.

"Tell your little baby Misun to stop acting like a brat. I told her to shut up cause I want to relax and I'm tired of her and her little pig friends squealing." Soomin said and she could feel holes being burned into her eyes by her stepmother and Misun.

That was when all hell went loose between Misun and Soomin and the only who was able to stop it was none other than Soomin's dad.

"Little Bae." Soomin's dad said as he approached the girl who held an ice pack to her cheek.

"Dad." Soomin replied as she looked at her father who held a sad smile.

"Why do you have to be so.. rude?" He asked and Soomin rolled her eyes at her father.

"Why should I be nice to the people who have done nothing but make me hate everything? What's the point of trying to appease them when they're never gonna change?" Soomin exclaimed as anger rose within her, hating the very presence of her stepmother and stepsister.

"Soomin, I doubt they're the reason you hate everything." Her dad calmly said and Soomin scoffed.

"No dad, they are. Misun has always been the whiniest and biggest bitch to me. She was always saying some dumb shit to my face ever since we first met. When I found out you were getting married to her mom, I was actually kind of looking forward to it. I was so naive to think that it could have been like those stories online where the stepmother was actually really nice and I could have told her about Misun's acts and ended them all but nope! She's just as much of a bitch as her daughter is." Soomin shot back, anger filling her voice and fists being clenched. Tears sprung into her eyes from the anger she felt and her once pale face was now flushed red. Soomin's father looked at her with sad eyes as he noticed tears running down her face.

"Why would you marry someone who knowingly hates everything about your daughter.." She let out in a small voice as pain filled within her.

"Soomin.. After your mother, Minjung was the only one who could fill that void. She made me happy and I thought that all you wanted was for me to be happy." Her father said and Soomin sniffled.

"I do want you to be happy dad but at least also take into consideration how the fuck I feel after being relentlessly bullied by her daughter and even herself. Does it make you happy seeing me suffering like this? Dad, I love you but I cannot handle this anymore." Soomin said in her usual monotone voice, tears running down her face and looked at her father in the eyes.

"I'm so tired of them. I'm tired of you allowing this to happen." Was all she said before standing up and slipping on her shoes, grabbing a jacket and made her way to the door only to be stopped by a hand on her wrist.

"Where are you going?" Her father asked her with worry in his eyes seeing as how late it now was and the streets were likely to be filled with those vampires.

Soomin looked at him with bored eyes and snatched her hand back, turning away and muttering out just loud enough for him to hear "To mom, seeing as she's the only one who will listen."

Soomin walked out of the door, plugging her earphones into her ear and playing her usual music.

Once again, she walked alone, allowing the music to fill her void of emptiness she felt within.

Unknowingly, she was being watched from above as a woman with a sad smile looked down on her, accompanying her journey to the familiar site that Soomin would always walk to: a cliff.

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