2 Questions :)

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Okay so I have a tendency to lie to my mom a lot and I always get into trouble for it. She says if I didn't lie I wouldn't get into trouble. But I just don't know. What do you think I should do to stop it?
~ Wolfgirl3183

Well lying to your own mother is kind of a big deal. Okay so I might be able to help. Whenever you lie, imagine your favorite character or actor or whatever is important to you, getting killed. So when you lie, your favorite person/ character dies in your head. Obviously you want to keep your person/ character alive so you try so hard not to lie. If you do try this then remember. Lying= Character/ person dies. Saying the truth= Character/ person survives. I don't know if it helped, but I hope it did something.

Next Question.

How do I stop being the disappointment middle child because I have a tendency to get in trouble.

~ z4life10

Well, before you do anything think in your head "is it even worth it? Or is it the right thing to do?" If you know deep down inside that its wrong then don't do it. If you listen to yourself then that should keep you from getting in trouble for a while or sometimes. Its better to think about your actions than to be sorry in the future. Hope it helped a little..

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