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There's this guy I really like, but he's like a good friend of mine. I get really nervous around him and many people ship(ship means wanting two people together or liking their relationship) me with him. I really like him and I feel so happy around him, but I can't talk to him. He showed me his abs today and I died. All my friends don't know how to flirt, so how do I flirt with him to get him to like me?

~ @0QueenCreative0

Its normal to like someone. I think your lucky you got to see your crush's abs! Not many girl's get that chance. About flirting, here are some tips that can help.
Make eye contact. Eye contact is a key flirting technique which can be implemented anywhere, at any time, as long as your crush is in sight.Smile. Smiling actually makes you more attractive to other people, so work that to your advantage by flashing those pearly whites!  make some jokes. Most guys enjoy laughing so why not make Jokes to make them happy. Try to laugh at every joke he tells you. Guys love to feel power and feel like they can make anyone laugh. Just laugh at his jokes and he will maybe think you actually like his jokes! Maybe you do, I'm not sure. Talk about what your good at. Maybe your crush thinks its cute how you can do certain things. Don't be clingy. Being clingy is not cute to guys. They need their space sometimes. I understand you want him around you a lot, but he needs his own time for himself.

Not sure of it helped, but hopefully it did a little. (^~^)

If anyone has any suggestions for this problem then don't be afraid to help her out as well! :)

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