How to text your crush

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So, I like this guys and we started talking....he said I should text him, but the problem is that I don't know how. what should I do?


Happened to me! Okay so mine was a fail, but I'm going to make sure yours isn't. Just start like "Hey" and he'll probably say "Hey or hi or sup etc." and start to ask him what he's doing and he should answer and ask you what are you  doing, but he doesn't then just be like "That's  nice, I'm doing blablablaHe'll probably start to talk about your topic or he will reply "Cool or Nice". If the does reply with your topic then talk about that! If he replies " Cool or Nice" you should say "Hey, want to play "what if"or Would you rather" he'll "say yes or no"
If he says yes then GOOD! If he says no then ask him questions about himself. Guys like attention so make him feel like your giving him some attention!

Okay so this is how you play "What if" (I played this with my crush once)

Me- What if I throw water at your face?

Him- I'll yell "I'm drowning"

Me- Lol. Your turn

Him- What if I died?

Me- Um...I'll cry...

YES IT WAS AWKWARD!!! but cute in the same time.

Okay so we all know how to play would you rather right?

if not then here's an example!

Me- Would you rather kiss a snake or kiss a dog?

Person- Kiss a dog

Me- Haha. Your turn!

Person- Would you rather hug a panda or hug a really big stuffed animal?

Me- Hug a panda!

So yeah. Hope it helps!

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