relationship abuse

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So, some girls don't know that their boyfriend might be abusing them. I'm here to talk about how you can figure this out.

Abuse cycle:

First is " honeymoon" which means that at first both of you are really getting along well for the first few weeks.

Second is yelling. Many couples yell at each other, which is normal, but sometimes that's too much. Many times you can't really tell, but other situations might help solve if it is normal or not.

Third is jealousy. We all get jealous at some point, don't we? So why is this a big sign? Let me tell you the type of jealousy that is NOT okay. If you're boyfriend is saying stuff like " stay away from him" or "who is he?" Or " I want us to be alone without your friends or family" or " forget your friends and family, you got me" then your boyfriend might be taking all the power. You have rights to talk to anyone, so there shouldn't be a reason for him to change who you hang out with especially for him to forbid you to hang out with friends/ family.

Fourth is blaming you. If they get mad they might say "why you have to get me mad?" Or "this is all your fault!". This is NOBODYS fault at all!!

Fifth is physical abuse. THAT IS NEVER OKAY. ONCE A MAN HITS, HE HITS AGAIN. Leave him! Don't even fall for his tricks! Call the cops even! Don't fall for the same old "I love you!" Stuff because we all know guys only say that to get you to stay. If you stay, things can get worse.

Sixth is gifts. They will apologize by giving you gifts. They're a nice gesture, but think back at the reason why he's giving you that. He hurt you badly, not in a normal way. That's never okay.

Some of you are probably like "BUT I LOVE HIM" honestly, that's not even love anymore. That's being possessive. Most girls end up either dead or hurt when they're in a abuse relationship. End it now by getting help from someone before it's too late.

I really hope I can save some lives.

Be strong ..

- Mary

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