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How do you know if you're crushing on someone?

- Anonymous

Well, I've been crushing A LOT these couple of years. So, let me explain some symptoms.

1. Your stomach feels weird when you are around them.

2. You become really happy.

3. You want to be around them.

4. Your voice might change or you won't be able to talk properly.

5. you start to talk about them A LOT to some friends.

6. You look at them a lot.

7. You fantasize about them in the day time or during your sleep.

8. When you see their name, you immediately think of them.

9. You get jealous when someone talks to him that is a female.

10. You feel heat rush up your cheeks when you talk to him or when he is around you (also called blushing).

Have something you want to add? Go ahead and comment!

Thanks for the question! (:

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