love your body (•ᴗ•)❤

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Have you ever looked at your body fat on the bathroom mirror? You think I need to lose weigh. I am right or wrong? Let me guess... You grab your fat and try to make it disappear? So, you try eating health and exercise. Some begin to be anorexic or bulimic. Well, love your body.

Girl, you don't need to be skinny to feel great.

I know people are born skinny ( I was super skinny back then, but not anymore. I'm facing weight problems now....) and that's okay.

Others have diseases that make them that way.

But if you are chubby/skinny/ fat then LOVE YOURSELF!

You only have one life, might as well spend it with no worry.

Who cares if people judge you? They won't care about you in the future anyways.

If you still feel like wanting to give up, message me. I know how you feel. I help other girls with problems, so don't worry about me judging you BECAUSE I WON'T.

Everything will be confidential. I don't reveal any information to anyone.

So, I'm here to hear your problems.

We are here to live life not to worry about our tummies. We all come in different shapes and sizes. Our shape does not effect our personalities. (:

Screw anyone who tells you otherwise. Their jealous you have curves and they don't.

I love you guys and I hope you love yourself.

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