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Okay, let's face it. This world isn't perfect nor will it ever be. I'm just sick of all this discrimination going around with girls. Just because some book or show makes girls look so hopeless and girly doesn't mean we are all like that.

I mean, all of us are strong enough to cause serious damage to anyone. Some shows show girls being too weak to punch something. I say, f*ck those shows! They don't know us well enough.

Here's my favorite one of all. Love stories. Most of them show girls finding their prince charming. Not all girls are like that. Some don't care about boys. They prefer to focus on their studies more. Love stories are my favorite, but also my reason to hate the plot. Some stories show girls being desperate to be with a guy. The stories who don't show that are the real good original stories. I'm not saying girls don't get desperate, I'm just saying it's not likely anymore.

Okay, this is my real anger point. Why do girls get called sluts and whores when they are still a virgin!? Or when they only had sexual relations with one guy? Just because a girl is talking to your crush it doesn't make her a slut or whore. Some men f-ck around with more than one woman and nobody seems to care as much.

It's not only men who use the word slut and whore wrong.

And that concludes my mini rant for today.

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