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   I looked at his car driving out of the school parking lot. His black ride blends in with the rest of the traffic. I lost him. I wanted to think nothing of it, but my insecurities tried to leave their host. I lost it. I'm losing him. Not having a car. I tried to find a ride to follow him. not wanting to bother my brothers I went up to my last option.

"I need I ride," I told Asia.

"Why should I help you. You haven't helped me in our whole entire friendship," she snapped pointing her finger at me.

"Oh really? Who was there through your first period? Hmmm? Me! What about when you broke your ankle? ME! AND I was there when that DOUCHEBAG slept with you and ditched. And because some dude didn't want you and your loose vagina and wanted me YOU through our friendship away!!!!!!!!" I ranted, pacing back and forth. I looked at Asia and she started laughing. 

"I have never heard you talk like that," laughed Asia.

"Can you just help me?" I deadpanned.

"No," she answered.

"Please. I need you,"

"Okay, but just this once," 

"Thank you. Let's go!" I hopped into the passenger seat of her car.

"Where too?" she asked.

"I don't know. Just drive until we find Kai," I ordered and we were off.

    He wasn't at his house or mine. I was losing hope in me and him until we saw his car at the town park.

"There it is," I yelled. Asia went into the parking lot and we tried to find him. 

    The park was nice. The trees stood tall and swayed with the breeze. The flowers were bloomed and made the park abstract. The grass was in patches but was a nice green color. If I wasn't on a mission I would stop and drink this view. 

   Searching the park was a little hard because it was huge but I was determined to see what he was doing. We were approaching my favorite tree when I spotting Kai with a girl. She was short. Shorter than me. Petite, thin. She had blonde hair. Natural from what I can see. I couldn't see her face but I can tell she was pretty. The opposite of me. 

  I looked at Asia and in her eyes swam sadness and sympathy. I walked away and she followed me. We didn't talk the whole ride and she dropped me off at my home.


I got a text from Ellen, my ex. She wanted to see me. I didn't want to do it but I kind of missed her. Not in a romantic way, but I wanted to see how she was doing. I was past the pain, at least I thought I was. I texted E to tell her I was staying after school. I didn't want her to worry about me meeting an ex. Her insecurities are already skyrocketing.

Arriving at the park, I tried to spot her. She was under a tree farther away from the entrance. I noticed it was Eliza's favorite tree. I got knocked out by my memory of her. 

Maybe I should leave I thought. Just as I was about to leave Ellen spotted me. I dragged my feet to her, instantly regretting it. I missed E.

"Hey," Ellen greeted.

"Look, I'm sorry I made a mistake agreeing to meet you," I blurted.

"What, why?" she questioned. 

" I have a girlfriend," I confessed.

"You can't have friends?" 

"I can but I don't think it's respectful hanging out with an ex,"

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