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    It's been two months since the accident with my father and I haven't talked to him since. My mother has been the same way she's been before the revealing of my father's infidelity. It was stupid of me to think she could and would change. My brothers don't stay at home often. It's been a while since I talked to them. Summer is approaching and I hoped that I could hang out with them more. I missed  them. I wasn't alone so much. Kai and I started dating. Boyfriend and girlfriend. It was funny how he asked me out. Every time I think about it I laughed. I loved hanging out with him, but things started to get worse.

"Kai. How can you be with me? I'm so fat," I asked. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. I was taken back a bit. Water rushed to my eyes. I fought it down.

"Babe, you're beautiful. Size doesn't matter," his words was nice but his tone was drier than Arizona. I looked at him and he smiled. His eyes were sad. My heart was breaking.

Hand in hand we walked to my house. No words were spoken. Tension floating around us like bubbles.

I could tell that something was on his mind, but I didn't want to say anything afraid ot would be something that I didn't want to hear. 

We went to my front door and I opened it.

"Are you coming in?" I asked.

"No I have to walk back to school for practice," he said. I nodded and went in for a hug. He was stiff at first but he caved in. When my ear was pressed to his chest I heard a ticking bomb ready to go off.

  I entered my house and I could tell I was all alone. I trudged my way  to my room and jumped face first on my bed tears streaming down my face. This school day was horrible. 

 "Why is he with her?" A girl asked.

"Is he being held against his will?"

"She's kinda ugly."

"I would hit that hit that if you gave me 1 trillion dollars"

"She's a whale" 

  Tears were streaming down my face even more. I'm not enough for him but I can't stay away from him. I'm selfish. I can't give him up. I won't give him up. I'm falling in love with him.

   I pulled myself off of my bed and rummaged through my bag. I took out my homework and started on it. Around 6 o'clock my mother came home, with her hubby-to-be, and started on dinner immediately. She didn't check on me or say hi, I was disappointed, to say the least.

I stopped my homework and decided to text Nolan.


Nolan😎: Yes?

Me: Are you and twin #2 coming home today?

Nolan😎: Eventually

Me: 😯😟

Nolan😎: Cheer up

Me: Cheer up?! I am alone at home with heartless mother, while you and Noel do God knows what.😠

Nolan😎: U have a boyfriend

Me: Blood is thicker than water

Nolan😎: What's that supposed to mean🤔


Nolan😎: I don't have time 4 this. Bye.👋

Me: I miss you. You guys had each other while I had no one. I don't want to overload my boyfriend with everything. My "best friend" and I relationship is rocky now. I need my family. I need you guys. I love yall and I miss yall. You weren't there for me and I wanted to be there for you.

Nolan😎: Sorry.

   I looked at my phone and had the urge to chuck it out the window. I know they're seniors and want to live their life but I need them too. They have another sibling. I guess I should've started getting used to being alone in the house.

"Eliza, dinner is ready," my mom called and I headed to the dining room. I headed to the dinner table and sat down.

"Are your brothers gracing us with their presence?" she asked.

"I'm afraid not," I responded. She nodded going back to eating her dish. I smiled at my future stepfather. Thank goodness he didn't bring his brat of a daughter. She must've gone back with her mom. 

   I remember when my dad was there we said grace and my mom would laugh at him because if he didn't say grace he would feel like God would strike him down. She never believed much but I think after the divorced she believed even less. I still say grace silently. I was a daddy's girl.

  We ate in silence like I normally do and after dinner, I did the dishes. I went back to my room and got ready for bed. I took a shower. I have to take a shower in the morning and in the night. My dad always said, "I am not going to have you be like them nasty white people and bathe every other day." My mom took offense to this but she didn't say anything. He realized it hurt her and never said it again, although I think he thought it.

   I missed the days when I was young and everything was nice or at least it seemed nice. 

   After I put on my clothes and texted Kai good night. I fell asleep waiting for a response.


I hope you liked this part. I hope none of you took offense to anything in this part. If you did, I'm deeply sorry. I'm sorry it took me awhile to write this but I had writer's block. Now that I got my inspiration back I should finish this book by the end of summer since I have break now. Also here are some questions to think about.

Why do you think Nolan and Noel is not going home? Why is Kai acting so weird? Why is Eliza's relationship with her best friend rocky?

Until next time

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