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   Kai invited me to dinner at his house. His mother and father wanted to see the girl he was dating for 5 months. I was a little nervous. I told my mother and she said, "Try not to eat with your mouth open. You tend to do that." 

   I didn't know what to wear. My brothers have not been home anymore. They practically moved out. Even thinking about them brought tears to my eyes. 

   Wiping the eye water running down from my cheeks, I picked out a pale pink dress and some white flats. I took out my twist out and picked it out to make a cute afro. I got a pearl necklace and headed out to go to his house.


   I was a little nervous that Eliza was coming over. I didn't know how my father would treat her. I really don't want them to meet. Eliza is bigger and my dad is a stickler for health. Eliza is healthy but her size says otherwise. I love Eliza, but I didn't need any more problems with her.

"Kai. When is your girlfriend going to come here?" asked my mom.

"Any moment ma. I told her to be here at six. It's five minutes to six," I explained. My mom nodded her head and went back into the kitchen, most likely making my father doesn't ruin anything. I heard a knock on the door and I rushed to get it.

"Hi E..." I said staring at my brother in shock. No, this is the worse time he could've possibly come back home. No.

"Is that a new nickname for me?" Sage joked. Crap I thought.

Eliza POV

   I walked up to the door. I was a minute late. I hope they would forgive me. I hesitantly put my hand to the door to knock. I touched my knuckle with the door and I heard a little of scuffling. I was about to slowly back away when the door opened and I saw Sage. He had a huge smile on his face and it faded when he saw me. 

This is not good .

"Are you E?" he asked. I nodded yes. He shook his head and walked away, whispering something as he left. Kai came to me and hugged me like it would be his last time. I wanted to cry but held it back. He took my hand and led me into the house. 

"Mom. This is Eliza," he said. His mom looked at me and her eyes went wide then she smiled warmly at me. I felt a little bit better. She came up and hugged me. I can see who Kai gets his looks from. I assumed that Sage looked more like his dad.

"Where is father?" Kai asked. 

"I'll go and get him. Why don't you have your seat," she said.

   We all sat down waiting for Mr. Blake to come to the dinner table. It was weirdly silent. I didn't understand why it was like this but I figured I would soon learn.

  I saw Kai's father come to the table and he ignored my gaze. He sat down at the head of the table and Kai's mother at the other end of the table.

"Son nice to see you. Eliza, is it? Nice to meet you," he managed to say.

"Nice to meet you too sir," I croaked out. He snorted, maybe mad about my lack of manners. We ate in silence. I hated it because it was like I was with my family.

"May I be excused to the restroom?" I asked. Mrs. Blake led me to the restroom and there I cried.


   I looked at my father ready to hear his judgements about Eliza.

"Son..." he started.

"I love her," I interrupted.

"You've known her for five months. How can you love her?" my dad questioned. 

"She's smart, weird, shy, but loud. She's beautiful," I confessed. My brother looked at me hard, my mom stared at me softly with a huge smile, and my dad looked furious.

"She's fat. How can she be beautiful?"

"Beauty is on the inside too and she has both. I think she is the most amazing girl in the world and I wish you wouldn't let anything that superficial get in the way of knowing her,"

"How did I raise you?"

"If mom was fat would you divorce her? Would you not think that she's beautiful anymore? Would you be revolted by her? Shouldn't you love someone no matter what? If not then, dad, that's not love."

   They all looked at me like I grew three heads, but then I noticed that they were looking at Eliza and there were tears streaming down her cheeks. My heart broke right then. But right then I noticed she is my heart. 

   I took her hand and guided her to my room and we sat on my bed. I kissed her on her forehead and sat her down on my bed. She looked at me and she cried again. I kissed her tears away and she started laughing. I started laughing too and then she kissed me. I guided her back the bed and we laid there for a little bit kissing. I was lost in her.

  After the session, we laid side by side on my bedroom floor, clothes still intact. She was still a virgin, I, on the other hand, was not. She wanted to wait and waiting what I'll do. 

"I love you," Eliza said. I looked at her and started crying. I picked her up from the floor and started kissing her. After I let her go she clung to me.

"Don't leave me. Don't let me go," she pleaded.

"I won't," I promised and I knew it was a promise I couldn't keep.

"I love you Eliza,"


I hope that you liked this chapter.  I didn't know what song to pick for this chapter so hopefully you like the song I picked. It's almost over. Ugh. But 8/10 I will do a sequal. Also, do you like the new cover? Love ya

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