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Come on stubby legs. I thought as I ran into the high school. I was really late and couldn't afford to get another tardy. My English teacher was getting pretty annoyed with me as it was. I huffed and puffed as I entered the school doors. I could've given the Big Bad Wolf a run for his money.

I looked around to see that there was still students roaming the hall with no destination. I looked at my phone to see I had read the time wrong. I sighed shaking my head. At least I'm not late I thought as I wandered aimlessly around the halls. I saw people coming and going with their friends as I was all alone. I wasn't friendless, but I was the "backup friend". If someone didn't have anyone to hang out with they would flock to me. I would accept them with warm arms and wave goodbye as they left. That was just how I was.

I headed to my locker and put in my combination. I messed up a few times but I got it. My locker was almost empty. It had my English 3 textbook and a box of Cheese-It's in it. I didn't decorate it, so it looked impersonal and I liked it that way.

I checked the time and groaned. It was 15 minutes until I had to go to class. I contemplated on going to class early. Mrs. Jefferson, my English teacher, was pretty rude to me so I decided to sit down on a bench and browse on Tumblr on my phone.

As I was scrolling Kai Blake sat next to me. Kai was a popular guy and that's only because of his older brother Sage. Sage was a star football and basketball player who also managed to graduate with magna cum laude. His brother was a legend. Kai was trying to fill in his brother's footsteps, but those were some large feet.

I stiffed up, not making a move. I was barely breathing. I didn't know if he would eat me alive. His brother had a reputation for being vicious to anyone who crossed him. Even with all of those rumors, I knew he was okay. We talked a couple of times before. He took out an energy bar and started eating it. It smelled like chocolate and raisins. My stomach growled and I remembered that I didn't eat that morning. He suddenly looked at me. Crap. He heard my stomach roar.

"Do you want some?" Kai asked.

"Um..no. It okay. I'll just eat later," I responded.

"Are you sure. I have a lot of these in my locker?" he questioned.

"I'll eat later," I repeated. I didn't like that he was all up in my business. Again, we've only talked a couple of times. It wasn't like he was my friend. 


"Positive," then my stomach growled again. He stood up and left, my cheeks were red with embarrassment. I watched him (or should I say his butt) as he walked away. He was so cute.

"Crap. I messed it up. I totally rubbed him the wrong way," I said to myself. Just then I got a text.

Unknown: Meet me at locker 310

Me: umm? Who are you?

Unknown: Please

I gathered my belongings and made my way towards locker 310. As I approached it I was Kai in front of it.

Is someone pranking me?

"Hey," he said. I waved back.

"We have 10 minutes until school starts, there is a McDonald's down the street. I could drive us there and we could be back before school starts," he explained.

"First, how did you get my number? Second, why would I go with you?" I questioned.

"I know people and you're hungry. The more we sit here arguing the more time we lose. Let's go," he commanded and started walking. I followed after him, running a little. People was staring at us wondering what I was doing with him. I was starting to wonder what I was doing with him. I dropped it and continued on with my action. He hopped in his car then I entered too. His car was a 2016 CST-V Sedan. The car was so beautiful, I almost cried.

We drove to the fast-food joint in quiet. I wanted to talk but the words kept getting stuck in my throat choking me. Ugh. Why am I so awkward. Kai looked at me occasionally with a distance look in his eyes, entering the drive-thru. If only I could read his mind.

"Welcome, to McDonald's may I take your order?" asked the cashier.

"Um...I'll have two egg white delight McMuffin's, two hash brown, and an orange juice," he said.

"Is that all?" the person asked.

"What do you want?" he asked as he turned to me.

"What you just ordered was only for you?" I asked confused.

"Yeah," he stated.

"Okay, I want a fruit parfait and orange juice...oh and a hash brown," I said and he nodded.

"Okay can I have one more hash brown, one more orange juice, and a fruit parfait," he said.

"Is that all?" the worker asked and Kai responded with a yes. She read us back our order, told us the total and we moved up in the line. Once we reached the window, I was relieved. This was getting a little awkward. Once the girl saw Kai she immediately smiled and tossed her hair around like a salad. I rolled my eyes out of annoyance. After about five minutes of them flirting I got fed up.

"Can you just get us our food so I won't have to see your face anymore," I snapped. She opened her mouth and looked at me like I just stole her favorite heels. Kai started laughing and looked at me with amusement and something else I couldn't describe. I smirked.

The girl gave us our bags and drinks and we left.

"Ugh. We're late now. Stupid bimbo,"

"Hey, she was nice,"

"Dick, she was flirting with you,"

"You jealous?"

"If I was I would have beat her down. Mama don't share very well,"

"You're funny and cool, once you talk,"

"So, I'm not cool when I don't talk?"

"No, you cooler,"


"What to just eat in the car since we already missed 10 minutes of our first period?"

"Why not?"

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