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   I woke up just exhausted. All my life I thought my mom was the bad guy but it was my dad. I've always looked up to him. He's so loving and so nice. I don't understand how he could've cheated on my mom. He had always been family-oriented. I honestly didn't want to get out of bed because school was the least of my problems at the time. I laid in bed staring at my white ceiling. I must have been staring for a while because my brother, Nolan, came in.

  When he walked into my room, he seemed drained. Nolan had bags under his eyes and eye-boogers in his eyes. I knew I wasn't the only one who was having a hard time.

"Can I get in the bed with you?" Nolan asked. I nodded my head and Nolan practically jumped in my bed. Sometimes I don't know if he's a little kid or a senior. We laid in silence and a couple of minutes later Noel came into my room and just came into my bed.

"Is mom okay?" I asked.

"I don't know. She still is locked away in her room. I haven't seen her since last night," Nolan responded.

"How could dad do that to mom?" Noel asked.

"Lust, stupidity, etc," Nolan responded.

"I love you guys," I blurted out.

"I love you too," they said in unison. We stayed like this for a while. Laying and looking at my bedroom ceiling. I don't know what was going on in their heads. But in my head it was blank. I didn't feel anything and that's what scared me. Nolan and Noel got up and silently left. I was low key grateful because I wanted to be alone with my empty thoughts.

  As I was still laying down, I heard a knock on my door. Just when I was about to tell the person to enter they came in. 

"E?" asked my mom.

"How are you?" I questioned.

"I've been dealing with this for a long time. It aches less and less each day. I can handle it. How are you and your brothers?"

"My brothers are okay. They are still in shock, ya know?"

  She nodded. Walking over to me her face looked like she was in deep thought. Sitting down on my bed she put her hand and patted my knee. She looked me in the eye and took a deep breath.

"How are you?" This was the women I knew. This was my mom. The lady that cared, held me, loved me, looked at me. I can see how what my father did affected her. All the tears she shed. The snot on her face. She was healing now. I saw that she was getting better. 

"Mom, I'm not doing well," I admitted. My throat started to hurt. I wanted to cry but I didn't want to do it in front of my mother.

"Just cry honey," and that's just what I did. My father was my role model but like everyone he disappointed me. I, also, wished that I was a little nicer towards my mom. I didn't know what she was going through and I might have made it worse.

"It's okay," she soothed me. We stayed like this for a few minutes until my brother, Nolan, came in my room.

"Sorry to interrupt but someone is here for Eliza."

   I looked at my mom and she smiled at me telling me to go. I wiped my tears and hobbled to the front door. I walked out to the front yard and I saw him.

"Hello," my father said.

"What do you need?"

"I tried to talk to your brothers and they wouldn't talk to me. Please don't be mad at me," he pleaded.

"What? Why would I not be mad?! You hurt my family! You hurt me!" I yelled. I turned around and slammed the door in his face. He didn't try to talk to me after that. I stomped to my room and slammed the door shut. I flopped on my bed and reached for my phone. I dialed the number.

"I need to see you."


I'm sorry this took so long. I have had project after project. I've been slowly writing this for the past two weeks. Also, one of the reasons that I have been away being that I performed in the Multicultural Rally at my school.

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