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I suddenly saw myself walking through a beautiful pathway full of flowers made of different colors.

As much as I admired everything, I wondered where I was.

“Wow, I didn’t know that the afterlife looks so beautiful like this.” I said to myself as I continued admiring my surroundings.

“Is that why you almost killed yourself?” a voice said.

I looked around in shock as I tried finding out where the voice was coming from.

“w..wh..who are you???” I asked in fear.

“You need not worry yourself about who I am Juliana.”

“How do you know my name??? Please show yourself.”

“I know everyone and everything….now Julia, why did you try to kill yourself??” the voice asked again.

“Wait so I am not dead??”

“That wasn’t the question I asked Julia.”

“I was tired of everything okay!!…at first I got separated from my family and then the moon goddess decided to give me a monster as a mate…I think the moon goddess hates me.” I said.

“Who do you say so??? She loves everyone.”

“I don’t think she loves me…if she did, she wouldn’t have given me a mate who hates the very air that I breathe.” I said.

“That is because you haven’t tried to understand your mate.”

“I have tried but he hasn’t made it easy for me…if this is the afterlife, I would very much like to remain here than go back to that constant torture from him.”

“Julia dear, I don’t think your mate hates you…he just doesn’t understand what he is feeling and it is up to you to help him do that.”

“Honestly I don’t want to…whenever I feel like there is an understanding between us, he does something so unthinkable that drifts us further apart.”

“There is a reason behind his behavior and it is up to you, his mate to find out that reason and if you succeed, he will open up to you and love you….the last time you almost died, he was the one who saved you.”

“What?? I don’t understand.”

“When you were accused of poisoning him and was almost tortured to death, he went to the dungeon you were kept in and carried you in his arms to take care of you.”

“What??? But why??”

“Like I said earlier, he doesn’t hate you Julia…your mission is to find out the reason for his behavior and when you do that, you will see another side of him…and remember, I did not make a mistake by pairing you both together dear.”

I couldn’t believe I was talking to the moon goddess all along.

“Go back now dear…it is not yet time for you to die.”

“Wait, moon goddess!!! I have a lot I want to speak to you about.”

“I love you now and always and will talk to you soon.” she said.

“No!! please !!! No!!!!” I screamed as I opened my eyes, coughing vigorously.

“She is awake!!!!” someone yelled.

Just as I continued coughing, I was given water to drink.

After drinking water, I looked around and found myself in the clinic I first found myself when I came to the pack.

“Welcome back to life dear.” a lady who looked like a nurse said.

“Back to life?? Was I dead??” I asked in confusion.

“Well you were for like a few minutes.” she said.

“It seems like death and I have something in common.” I whispered.

“What?? Did you say something??” she asked.

“No… who brought me here??? And what happened??” I asked.

“You don’t remember??” she asked.

Suddenly I had a flashback to the altercation I had with Aziz and how he threatened to make my life miserable and I also remembered I slit my wrist.

“I remember slitting my wrist but I don’t remember any other thing.” I said.

“Why did you slit your wrist??” she asked.

“I am sorry but I really don’t want to talk about it.” I said.

“No problem dear…but just so you know the person who brought you here was the Alpha.” he said.

“Aziz??” I asked.

She had this shock on her face like I said something forbidden and then I remembered I wasn’t supposed to call the Alpha’s name.

“Oh sorry…the Alpha??” I said.

“Dear if you know you don’t want to be killed by the Alpha, don’t ever call his name especially in his presence.” she said.

“I know..but thank you.”

“You are welcome.”

“Did you say he brought me here??” I asked again.

“Yes and when he did, you were really in a terrible condition as you lost a lot of blood and your wolf took a lot of time to heal you were actually lucky dear because in most cases, some people don’t survive the ordeal you went through.”

“It was the moon goddess who brought me back to life.” I said.

“It was indeed.” she said smiling.

How do I explain to her that I saw the moon goddess for real and she brought me back to life.

“Wait, you said the Alpha brought me here??” I asked again as I found it hard to believe.

“I know you must be finding it hard to believe but he did bring you here and you are quite lucky he did at the right time.”

“But I thought he wanted me dead??”

“Who wants you dead??”

“No, I was just talking to myself.” I said.

I found it hard to believe that this was the second time Aziz was saving me from dying but yet he was all about killing me and making me suffer.

“You have to rest here till tomorrow dear because we were only able to get your vitals stabilized a while ago so you will be placed on constant observation till tomorrow.”

“Alright I don’t mind staying here.”

“Have some rest now…I will come to check up on you later.” she said as she walked away.

On one hand I was happy to be away from Aziz even if it was for one night.

After I was discharged the next day, I went back to the pack house and I saw something.

Just as I entered the house, I saw a young looking lady probably my age range walk close to me.

“Hello, where is Aziz??” she asked.

I got confused because she called him by his name and before I could give her an answer, she smiled brightly and ran past me.

“Aziz baby!!!” she said as she hugged my mate.

Good morning family...I want to use this medium to thank you all so much for reading "the Alpha's painful rejection" means alot to me and I hope you are all enjoying every bit of the book??😉😉😉

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