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I slowly opened my eyes as I wondered where I was.

The bright light shone into my eyes making it difficult for me to see much but as I looked around I noticed the place I was looking at was familiar.

“You are finally awake.” someone said as I jolted fully awake.

“Why am I here??” I asked as Aziz looked at me with a weird look on his face.

“That is one way to check up on someone who was almost dead.” he said.


“Me of course.” he said.

As usual, he was still full of himself.

“Who almost died Alpha, was it you or me??” I asked.

“Well both of us but mine was more important than yours.” he said.

Deep down, I wondered how he became an Alpha because he was so self absorbed and that was the least quality an Alpha was supposed to possess.

I rolled my eyes as I tried getting up from the bed but felt a very sharp pain in my stomach that made me lie down again.

“For someone who has been unconscious for two whole days, you sure have a lot of strength within you.” 

“Wait what???!! Two days??”

“Oh you thought you were out for a year??” he asked as he chuckled.

I looked at him and noticed he was looking very healthy and okay and I wondered if he was the same person I found unconscious some days ago fighting for his life.

“Why are you looking at me that way??” he asked.

“Well I just noticed that you seem to be stronger and healthier.” I said.

“Oh that.” he said as he laughed.

“Is something funny Alpha??’ I asked in confusion.

“Oh you gullible little mate…I was never dying and I have been as healthy as I have always been.” he said, confusing me more.

“What do you mean?? I don’t understand.”

“Well for starters that dumb bitch called Rita was the one who poisoned my food.” he said.

“What??? Ma Rita??? That is not possible.” I said as I shaked my head.

“Oh it’s true….I have been watching her closely even before you came here and suspected something very off about her….and when you dropped my food in my room a few days ago, I saw her put something in it and so I played along and  pretended to be dying.”

I couldn't believe what he was telling me.

“So you are saying that Ma Rita who has worked for you for so many years decided to poison your food now and put the blame on me???” I asked.

“Well for once you have proven not to be daft…may the moon goddess be praised.” he said.

“But why?? What is the reason?? Why did she do this and put the blame on me?? What did I ever do to her?” I asked as tears rolled down my face.

“I thought you already knew the answer to that??”

“I don’t.” 

“Well for one you have that ugly looking face that makes anyone hate the sight of you and I am sure she must have felt the same way and that was why she decided to punish you.”

“You are not making any sense Alpha.”

“What I am trying to say in a nutshell is that you brought it upon yourself by having that error you call a face.” he spat.

“How can you say that to your mate?? Was I the one who created myself??” I said as I cried.

“Well clearly the one who created you made a great mistake…and it is quite unfortunate for me that I had to be paired with you.”

“I wish I was never your mate.” I whispered.

“Come again??”

“I said I wish I was never your mate!!! The moon goddess indeed made a mistake pairing me up with a monster like you!!!” I yelled.

Suddenly he moved closer to me and held my cheeks in his hands so tightly that it hurt.

“Don’t test me little girl or else you will not live to tell the tale.” he said.

“Let go of are hurting me.” I said as I tried removing his hand from my face.

“Such a weakling…so you can’t handle a simple touch from me?? Then how have you been handling other men’s touches??” he asked.

“I said you are hurting me Aziz!!” 

As soon as I mentioned his name, his eyes darkened as he pushed me away making me wince in pain.

“Who gave you the right to call my name??”

“Isn’t that your name Alpha??” 

“You don’t have any right to call me by my name…who do you think you are??”

“I am your mate!!!”

“Mate??? I would rather be mateless forever than to accept you as my mate.” he said in anger.

“Then reject me!!! I have told you before to reject me if you don’t want me so I can leave.” 

“I will never reject you Julia and neither will I accept you because I want you to suffer….just like my Father suffered because of yours.” he said.

“What did you just say??”

“You heard me loud and clear.”

“Wait, is that the reason why you attacked my pack and separated me from my family??”

“Oh you thought I brought you here to marry you??” be asked as he scoffed.

“You are a monster Aziz….a bloody heartless monster!!!”

He suddenly slapped me so hard on my face that my lips bursted.

“Is that all you can do??? Why don’t you just kill me??”

“I won’t give you that satisfaction…I will watch you suffer slowly and painfully that you would wish for death Julia…you can’t die easily…not yet.” he said.

“What did I ever do to you?? If you are angry at my parents or anyone else, why should I be the one to suffer this way???”

“Because I choose the ones I want to make suffer….and you are the perfect one.”

“Please just reject me and let me go…I promise I will never show my face to you ever again…I will go far away and even become a rogue never to show my face again.”

“None can do little girl…you are stuck with this monster forever.”

“Then let me make things easy for you.”

I grabbed the glass vase beside the bed and smatched it on the floor as I took a piece and slit my wrist.

“NO!!!!!!!” Aziz screamed as I lost consciousness.

A delightful Monday morning to you family ♥️🌹

It's another week and interesting chapters are going to be coming right up....

What do you think about AZIZ'S POV??🤭🤭🤭

Find out as you keep reading this week..
Love you all♥️🌹

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