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I ran over to him and tried to wake him up but to no avail.

After screaming for help, Ma Rita and some guards rushed in and carried him on the bed.

“Get the pack Doctor Immediately!!!” Ma Rita ordered the guards.

One of the guards rushed out and in a few minutes, he came back with the Doctor.

“What happened?? The Doctor asked as he examined Aziz on the bed.

“I don’t know…I served him his food and went back into my room only for me to come back to clear the dishes and then I see him lying on the floor.” I explained as tears rolled down my eyes.

After examining him for a while, sighed deeply.

“The Alpha is in a really critical condition…it appears he has been poisoned.”

“Poisoned?? I don’t understand…how??” I asked in confusion.

“You should be the one answering that question because you served him his food.”

“No….Julia can’t do that…she has been the one serving the Alpha’s meal for a while now so why would she poison him??” Ma Rita asked.

“There is no one guilty here except her, so she has to be questioned or else the Alpha’s condition will deteriorate.”

“I didn’t do anything Doctor…Ma Rita…I only served his food and left.” I said as I cried.

“Honestly dear there is little or nothing I can do at the moment because all evidence is pointing at you…but don’t worry if you are innocent, the truth will prevail.” Ma Rita said with an apologetic look on her face.

“Take her away and investigate her properly.” the Doctor ordered.

Suddenly the guards dragged me out as I screamed and cried and took me to the dungeon.

“I didn’t do anything!!! Let me out of here!!!!” I screamed louder but they walked away.

After about an hour, the guys came back and started torturing me.

At first they used silver on me a couple of times and then they started hitting me.

The torture continued till the following day and I was gradualling giving up on everything.

“If you don’t say something, you are going to die so tell us the truth and save yourself.”

“I..d..di…didn’t…” I said as I laid weakly on the floor.

I was too weak to stand up or even move properly as my body was full of bruises.

They kicked me one last time and left in anger.

“Ella, are you there??” I called for my wolf.

She answered weakly because of the silver used to torture me as silver weakens werewolves.

“I am sorry.” she said.

“Why are you sorry Ella??”

“Because I can’t do anything to help you.”

“It’s not your fault Ella…you are a part of me as I am a part of you and whatever affects me, affects you too.”

“How long can you hang on??” she asked.

“I don’t know Ella…I feel my body giving up and I am not sure I can hang on much longer.” I said as I coughed out blood.

“Don’t give up Julia…hang on a bit longer.”

“I will try…can you feel mate’s wolf??? Do you sense if he is still alive??” I asked.

“I can sense his wolf’s energy but it is very weak…maybe it’s because I am weak as well.”

Suddenly, I could barely feel my wolf anymore and I tried calling out to her but there was no response.

“Moon goddess, why do I have to go through this pain over and over again?? Will there ever come a time where genuine happiness awaits me??” I asked myself as tears rolled down my face.

I became so thirsty but I didn’t have the energy to call out to the guards.

Just when I was about to shut my eyes fully and welcome darkness, I heard the dungeon door being unlocked and also heard shouting but I was barely conscious to know what was going on.

Suddenly, I felt I was being carried birthday style and before I could look at the face of the one carrying me, I lost consciousness.


After Julia was dragged away but the guards, my heart broke into a million pieces because I knew I couldn’t do anything.

If only the pack’s doctor wasn’t involved, Julia wouldn’t have been in trouble but being that she admitted to serving the Alpha’s food before he became unconscious, made her the prime suspect.

“Doctor, what can be done for our Alpha??” I asked.

“Well, being that the poison in his system can’t be identified at the moment, I will just have to give him something to make it easy to identify it..but there us a guarantee that it won’t work.”

“Please do what you must.” I said.

After the treatment was carried out, the doctor asked that the Alpha would be watched 247 to see if any changes occur.

I thanked him as he took his leave.

After looking around to make sure no one was in sight, I sat beside the Alpha.

“So you think I will just let you treat me like trash over the years and I will be quiet about it??? Julia happens to be a victim in my games..oh poor girl…I wish you would die a slower and more painful death Aziz so you would know what it felt like when you separated me from my children.”

Tears rolled down my face as I remembered how he drove my children away just because he didn’t want the house to be crowded and how badly he treated me over the years.

I worked my ass off day and night preparing meals for him without a break even in sickness but never got appreciated by my efforts.

I prayed and hoped he died a painful death because that is what he deserved for being such a heartless person.

On one hand I was happy about the situation and on the other hand I felt bad for Julia for feeding her with lies that the Alpha was a good person.

I watched him one last time and smiled before walking out.

The next day, just as I woke up to go and see if the Alpha was dead, his guards stopped me halfway and dragged me to his room.

As soon as I entered, I was shocked to see what I never expected.

“As you can see Rita, I am not dead.”

Special chapter my lovelies...two POVs in one🤭🌹♥️

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