The little voice in my head

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Isabelle's point of view

We reached the mansion and as soon as I entered I went straight to the kitchen to take a glass of water. My breath was still hitched from running too hard.

Dimitri walked in after me, leaning lazily on the wall. He just stood there, just looking at me, I couldn't tell what he was thinking, he was very hard to read. But I could see a twinkle of worry in his eyes as he continued to stare at me.

His eyes narrowed down to my arm, where I was bleeding. I didn't realize that I had wounded myself all this while.

"I need to clean your cut." He muttered, whilst he took a first aid kit from one of the top kitchen cabinets. I totally forgot that while I was fighting those vampires, one of them clawed at my arm.

"Sit on the counter." Dimitri ordered, as he grabbed the first aid kit. I obeyed jumping on the counter. He placed it next to me as he stared at the cut on my arm.

"Who were those guys?" I asked innocently. I wanted to know if he was aware of what they truly were. Did he know that they were vampires? More than ever I was convinced that he knew more than he was letting on. There was something different entirely about Dimitri Axel Castellan. Something I just couldn't understand yet, but I was hell bound on figuring him out.

"I don't know. Best guess is those intruders were planning on stealing something." He muttered quietly as he dabbed the wound on my neck. I hissed out at the burning sensation of the alcohol on my skin.

"Ahh… it hurts." I said, pouting. Dimitri softly grabbed my arm and then he did something I didn't expect. He blew soft air at where the cut was.

I watched him as he continued blowing on my skin. It was funny and at the same time cute to watch. I couldn't stop my heart beat as it sped up by his mere gesture.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to withhold laughter. He stopped, looking at me.

"You said it was hurting so I was helping with the pain." He smirked playfully, brushing his hair backwards with his hand. He held my hand as he continued blowing on it and slowly I couldn't feel the pain anymore, it was like he took away every pain I felt. Time felt slow, as my mind all through was in a daze fixated on his lips, what was about Dimitri that made my heart beat slower, what was about him that continuously pulled me. I couldn't fight the magnetic pull towards him any longer.

He gently placed a bandage on my wounds. "And, done. Does it still hurt?" He finally asked.

"Um, no. It's fine. Thank you." I almost whispered, quickly looking away before he noticed that I had been staring at him. That would be utterly embarrassing.

He was about to leave when I called his name.

"Dimitri," I don't even know why I did that. Why was I calling out to him?

'Stupid me!' I screamed mentally, frustrated at myself. I could feel my blood running hot, I needed him like a fish needs water. It was a lustful craving. I craved him.

He looked at me with raised eyebrows, but I couldn't find any words to say. I didn't even know what to say. I just knew I wanted him here with me. I didn't want him to leave.

He slowly started to make the first move, as he inched closer to my lips. I could feel his hand at the back of my head, while I closed my eyes, waiting to feel his lips on mine. This was what I wanted so badly right now. I craved him desperately.

My eyes were snapped back open as I heard someone let out a suppressed cough. Both Dimitri and I quickly turned to see who it was, and it was Gabe. He was still in his night clothes, with his hands over his mouth, his eyes wide in shock.

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