The lookalike

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*The lookalike*

"But when you look in his eyes
Do you think of mine?
And when you look at that smile
Do I cross your mind?
I know in your head
You see me instead
'Cause he looks a lot like I did back then
Baby don't lie
He's just a lookalike" Conan gray ~lookalike

IT WAS JUST ELEVEN pm now. Its been exactly three hours since Iris was picked up by that faggot, Landon, for the party I blew off so I could study. Somehow a tiny part of me wondered how the party went as I buried my nose even into my English essay assignment that was due tomorrow, lord knows I was tired as fuck.

My phone buzzed from beside me. It was a call from Iris's cell phone. In an expeditious motion I picked it up.

"Hey. What's up Iris?" I said, thankful to her for the little bit of distraction I could get from studying.

"Hey Belle!" She slurred, her tone sounded a bit distracted and weirder than usual but apart from that she sounded like your typical hyper Iris.

"I kinda need your help" she giggled a bit. Was Iris calling me drunk right now? Oh god she always behaved so immature that I had to remain the mature one in our relationship.

"Are you drunk?" I asked, with furrowed brows.

She laughed then answered, "Yeah maybe just a little bit. It's damn too chilly out here."

"Where the fuck are you now?" I questioned her and she fell silent for about a split minute. I tried to listen in on the background and all I could hear was the stillness quiet of the air and the chirping of insects.

"I don't really know…" she continued to giggle. "I think somewhere around the woods. See the thing is, I was bored of the party and like I said before I was a little bit drunk so Landon offered to bring me home but Landon's car suddenly broke down on the way back and he has been gone for almost an hour, so please could you come pick me up. It's getting really spooky out here." ugh that weasel Landon, why couldn't he do anything right and he always bragged about how his car was brand new and all perfect.

"Stay right there. I'm on my way to get you." I told her squarely, standing up grabbing the car keys off from the wooden furniture.

"Please hurry... It's really cold out here." Iris murmured, I could hear her stamping her feet on the ground trying to stay warm. I needed to move with haste. While I was driving Iris had sent me a text of her actual whereabouts, and she was located deep in the woods. Why was she there in the first place, that area was restricted. Or so I had heard.

After I jumped out of the car, I slammed the door shut immediately pulling out my cell phone and turning on the torch. I dialed Iris's cell and I could hear the string of her ringtone echo dully from all around the thick dark forest. I flung my head to the right when I heard my name.

"Isabelle" I heard a voice call out from behind me which was followed by an icy touch on my shoulder.

"Jeez! Fuck Iris... Why are you creeping around like that?" I jumped around to find Iris. Her face looked so pale and white, I guess the cold must have gotten to her before I did.

"You actually came," Iris murmured, sounding a bit surprised. Was she not expecting me to come to get her? That was strange and if I was being honest she looked rather strange to me too. She looked strange, she acted strange and she spoke a bit weird, like she sounded like Iris but the manner in which she enunciated was different.

"Yeah, why are you so surprised?" I demanded, I could feel the whispering wind all around us get even colder. She waited for a second before replying.

"I'm not surprised, just happy that you came," she said with a feeble smile and a low key giggle. God I could swear Iris never acted this weird before.

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